The CLP Procedure

ACTIVITY Statement

  • ACTIVITY specification-1 <…specification-n>;

An ACTIVITY specification can be one of the following types:

activity <= ( <DUR=> duration <altype=aldate …>)>

(activity_list) <= ( <DUR=> duration <altype=aldate …>)>

where duration is the activity duration and altype is a keyword that specifies an alignment-type constraint on the activity (or activities) with respect to the value given by aldate.

The ACTIVITY statement defines one or more activities and the attributes of each activity, such as the duration and any temporal constraints of the time-alignment-type. The activity duration can take nonnegative integer values. The default duration is 0.

Valid altype keywords are as follows:

  • SGE, start greater than or equal to aldate

  • SLE, start less than or equal to aldate

  • FGE, finish greater than or equal to aldate

  • FLE, finish less than or equal to aldate

You can specify any combination of the preceding keywords. For example, to define activities A1, A2, A3, B1, and B3 with duration 3, and to set the start time of these activities equal to 10, specify the following:

activity (A1-A3 B1 B3) = ( dur=3 sge=10 sle=10 );

If an activity appears in more than one ACTIVITY statement, only the first activity definition is honored. Additional specifications are ignored.

You can alternatively use the ACTDATA= data set to define activities, durations, and temporal constraints. In fact, you can specify both an ACTIVITY statement and an ACTDATA= data set. You must use an ACTDATA= data set to define precedence-related temporal constraints. One of SCHEDULE= , SCHEDRES= , or SCHEDTIME= must be specified when the ACTIVITY statement is used.