BOM Web Example


The BOM procedure and the macros described in this book can be used to maintain and update bills of material and produce related reports for use in the manufacturing process. The output data set produced by the BOM procedure can be used to plan for material requirements and analyze the critical path for planned orders. This appendix illustrates this process using a sample Web demo as a detailed example. In this example, 48 different items are used in the production of four final products: a 3-gallon carpet cleaner, a 4-gallon carpet cleaner, a 5-gallon carpet cleaner, and a bottled concentrate.

This application supports several different types of bills of material, providing valuable and diverse views of product makeup and part/component/material usage. It also reports on upcoming shortages and identifies the shortage status of critical parts and components. The example enables you to explore how each assembly or subassembly of a final product is manufactured, and also enables you to investigate how, where, and in what quantities any specific part or material is used. Combining this information with lead time and order information, you can identify upcoming shortages, gauge their effects on timely order fulfillment, and set procurement priorities accordingly.

Note: The BOM Web demo is a client-server application driven from your desktop and running at SAS Institute in Cary, NC. You can access the demo from SAS Institute's Supply Chain Web site ( supplychain/demos/bom/index.html). The graphs and reports in the demo have not been saved but are calculated on demand; this means that they change dynamically as the data used to calculate them change. This demo requires Internet Explorer, version 5.0 or later.

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