SAS provides templates
for these items:
To view the contents of a template,
use the SAS windowing environment, the SAS window command ODSTEMPLATES,
or the TEMPLATE procedure.
SAS Windowing Environment
From the SAS Explorer,
In the
Results window,
select the
Results folder. Right-click to
open the
Templates window.
To view the definitions
or templates that SAS supplies, click the plus sign that is next
to the Sashelp.Tmplmst item store.
Click the plus sign
that is next to an icon to view the contents of that template store
or directory in a template store. If there is no plus sign next to
the icon, double-click the icon to view the contents of that directory.
To view the
Templates window,
submit this command in the command bar:
display shows the
Templates window that contains
the item stores
Sasuser.Templat and
When you double-click
an item store, such as
Sashelp.Tmplmst, that
item store expands to list the directories where ODS templates are
stored. The templates that SAS provides are in the item store
The SOURCE statement
writes the source code for the specified template to the SAS log.
For example, if you want to view the source for all the objects in
Base SAS, submit this code:
proc template;
source base;
From the
Templates window,
you can see the definitions and templates that SAS supplies or that
you created. This figure shows the styles that SAS supplies.
Templates That SAS Supplies