TEMPLATE Procedure: Creating a Style Template


DEFINE STYLE style-path | Base.Template.Style </ STORE=libref.template-store>;
NOTES "text";
CLASS style-element-name(s)<"text">
</ style-attribute-specification(s)>;
STYLE style-element-name(s) <FROM style-element-name | _SELF_ > <"text">
</ style-attribute-specification(s)>;

Table of Procedure Tasks

Statement Task Example
PROC TEMPLATE Statement Begin a PROC TEMPLATE template Ex. 1, Ex. 2, Ex. 3, Ex. 4, Ex. 5, Ex. 6, Ex. 7
DEFINE STYLE Statement Create a style for any destination that supports the STYLE= option Ex. 1, Ex. 2, Ex. 3, Ex. 4, Ex. 5, Ex. 6, Ex. 7
CLASS Statement Create a style element from a like-named style element Ex. 3, Ex. 6
END Statement End the style Ex. 1, Ex. 2, Ex. 3, Ex. 4, Ex. 5, Ex. 6, Ex. 7
EDIT Statement Edit a style  
IMPORT Statement Import Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) information from a file into the style Ex. 6
NOTES Statement Provide information about the style  
PARENT= Statement Specify the style from which the current style inherits Ex. 3, Ex. 4, Ex. 6, Ex. 7
STYLE Statement Create or modify one or more style elements Ex. 1, Ex. 2, Ex. 4, Ex. 5, Ex. 7