Functions and CALL Routines |
Closes a directory that was opened by the DOPEN function.
is a numeric variable that specifies the
identifier that was assigned when the directory was opened by the DOPEN function.
DCLOSE returns 0 if the operation was
0 if it was not successful. The DCLOSE function closes a
directory that was previously opened by the DOPEN function. DCLOSE also closes
any open members.
Note: All directories or members opened within a DATA
step are closed automatically when the DATA step ends. ![[cautionend]](../../../../common/63294/HTML/default/images/cautend.gif)
This example opens the directory to which the fileref MYDIR has previously
been assigned, returns the number of members, and then closes the directory:
%macro memnum(filrf,path);
%let rc=%sysfunc(filename(filrf,&path));
%if %sysfunc(fileref(&filrf)) = 0 %then
/* Open the directory. */
%let did=%sysfunc(dopen(&filrf));
%put did=&did;
/* Get the member count. */
%let memcount=%sysfunc(dnum(&did));
%put &memcount members in &filrf.;
/* Close the directory. */
%let rc= %sysfunc(dclose(&did));
%else %put Invalid FILEREF;
This example uses the DCLOSE function within a DATA step:
%let filrf=MYDIR;
data _null_;
if fileref("&filrf") = 0 then
/* Open the directory. */
/* Get the member count. */
put memcount "members in &filrf";
/* Close the directory. */
else put "Invalid FILEREF";
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