OPTIONS Procedure


Lists the current settings of SAS system options in the SAS log.
Producing the Short Form of the Options Listing

Displaying the Setting of a Single Option

Displaying Expanded Path Environment Variables

List the Options That Can Be Specified by the INSERT and APPEND Options


PROC OPTIONS <option(s)>;

Summary of Optional Arguments

displays system option groups as well as a description of each group.
Choose the format of the listing
displays the short description of the option, the option group, and the option type.
when displaying a character option, replaces an environment variable in the option value with the value of the environment variable. EXPAND is ignored if the option is a Boolean option, such as CENTER or NOCENTER, or if the value of the option is numeric.
displays system option character values as hexadecimal values.
displays numeric system option values using locale-specific punctuation.
lists each system option on a separate line with a description.
when displaying a path, displays the path using environment variable(s) and not the value of the environment variable(s). This is the default.
displays numeric system option values without using punctuation, such as a comma or a period. This is the default.
specifies to display a compressed listing of options without descriptions.
displays the option's value and scope, as well as how the value was set.
Restrict the number of options displayed
displays the options in one or more groups specified by group-name.
displays only host options.
lists the system options whose value can be modified by the INSERT and APPEND system options.
lists the system options that can be restricted by your site administrator.
displays only portable options.
displays information about one or more system options.
displays system options that the site administrator has restricted from being updated.

Optional Arguments

displays the short description of the option, the option group, and the option type. SAS displays information about when the option can be set, whether an option can be restricted, the valid values for the option, and whether the OPTSAVE procedure will save the option.
Interaction:This option is ignored when SHORT is specified.
when displaying a character option, replaces an environment variable in the option value with the value of the environment variable. EXPAND is ignored if the option is a Boolean option, such as CENTER or NOCENTER, or if the value of the option is numeric.
Restriction:Variable expansion is valid only in the Windows and UNIX operating environments.
Tip:By default, some option values are displayed with expanded variables. Other options require the EXPAND option in the PROC OPTIONS statement. Use the DEFINE option in the PROC OPTIONS statement to determine whether an option value expands variables by default or if the EXPAND option is required. If the output from PROC OPTIONS DEFINE shows the following information, you must use the EXPAND option to expand variable values:
Expansion: Environment variables, within the option value, are not expanded
See:NOEXPAND option to view paths that display the environment variable
GROUP=(group-name–1 ... group-name-n)
displays the options in one or more groups specified by group-name.
Requirement:When you specify more than one group, enclose the group names in parenthesis and separate the group names by a space.
displays system option character values as hexadecimal values.
displays only host options.
See:NOHOST option to display only portable options.
lists the system options whose value can be modified by the INSERT and APPEND system options. The INSERT option specifies a value that is inserted as the first value of a system option value list. The APPEND option specifies a value that is appended as the last value of a system option value list. Use the LISTINERTAPPEND option to display which system options can have values inserted at the beginning or appended at the end of their value lists.
displays system option groups as well as a description of each group.
lists the system options that can be restricted by your site administrator.
See:RESTRICT option to list options that have been restricted by the site administrator
lists each system option on a separate line with a description. This is the default. Alternatively, you can create a compressed listing without descriptions.
See:SHORT option to produce a compressed listing without descriptions
displays numeric system option values using locale-specific punctuation.
See:NOLOGNUMBERFORMAT option to display numeric option values without using commas
when displaying a path, displays the path using environment variable(s) and not the value of the environment variable(s). This is the default.
See:EXPAND option to display a path by expanding the value of environment variables
displays only portable options.
See:HOST option to display only host options
displays numeric system option values without using punctuation, such as a comma or a period. This is the default.
See:LOGNUMBERFORMAT option to display numeric system options using commas
OPTION=(option-name-1 ... option-name-n)
displays a short description and the value (if any) of the option specified by option-name. DEFINE and VALUE options provide additional information about the option.
specifies the option to use as input to the procedure.
Requirement:If a SAS system option uses an equal sign, such as PAGESIZE=, do not include the equal sign when specifying the option to OPTION=.
displays the system options that have been set by your site administrator in a restricted options configuration file. These options cannot be changed by the user. For each option that is restricted, the RESTRICT option displays the option's value, scope, and how it was set.
If your site administrator has not restricted any options, then the following message appears in the SAS log:
Your Site Administrator has not restricted any SAS options.
See:LISTRESTRICT option to list options that can be restricted by the site administrator
specifies to display a compressed listing of options without descriptions.
See:LONG option to create a listing with descriptions of the options.
displays the option's value and scope, as well as how the value was set. If the value was set using a configuration file, the SAS log displays the name of the configuration file. If the option was set using the INSERT or APPEND system options, the SAS log displays the value that was inserted or appended.
Interaction:This option has no effect when SHORT is specified.
Note:SAS options that are passwords, such as EMAILPW and METAPASS, return the value xxxxxxxx and not the actual password.