SVGWIDTH= System Option

Specifies the width of the viewport unless the SVG output is embedded in another SVG output; specifies the value of the width attribute in the outermost <svg> element in the SVG file.
Valid in: Configuration file, SAS invocation, OPTIONS statement, SAS System Options window
Category: Log and procedure output control: SVG
Restriction: The SVGWIDTH= option sets the width attribute only on the outermost <svg> element.
Note: This option can be restricted by a site administrator. For more information, see Restricted Options.


Syntax Description

specifies the width as a number of unit-of-measure.
Requirement:number-of- units must be a positive integer value.
Interaction:If number-of- units is a negative number, the SVG document is not rendered by the browser.
specifies the unit of measurement, which can be one of the following:
% percentage
cm centimeters
em the height of the element's font
ex the height of the letter x
in inches
mm millimeters
pc picas
pt points
px pixels
"" | ''
specifies to reset the width to the default value of 800 pixels.
Requirement:Use two double quotation marks or two single quotation marks with no space between them.


For embedded <svg> elements, the SVGWIDTH= option specifies the width of the rectangular region into which the <svg> element is placed. The SVG output is scaled to fit the viewBox if SVGWIDTH="100%".
If the SVGWIDTH= option is not specified, the width attribute on the <svg> element is not set, which effectively provides full scalability by using a width of 100%.
The value for the SVGWIDTH= option can be specified without delimiters, enclosed in single or double quotation marks, or enclosed in parentheses.


The following OPTIONS statement specifies to size the SVG output to portrait letter-sized and to scale the output to 100% of the viewport:
options printerpath=svg orientation=portrait svgheight="100%" svgwidth="100%" 
By using these option values, SAS creates the following <svg> element:
<svg> xmlns="" 
      onload='Init(evt)' version="1.1" 
      width="100%" height="100%" 
      viewBox="-1 -1 817 1057" 
The value of "100%" in the SVGWIDTH= option specifies to scale the SVG output width to 100% of the viewport, which is based on the value of the PAPERSIZE= option. The paper size is letter in the portrait orientation, which has a width of 8.5" at 96 dpi.