amount=1145.32; put amount dollar10.2;
num=15; char=put(num,hex2.);
%macro tst(amount); %put %sysfunc(putn(&amount,dollar10.2)); %mend tst; %tst (1154.23);
format sales1-sales3 comma10.2;Because the FORMAT statement permanently associates a format with a variable, any subsequent DATA step or PROC step uses COMMA10.2 to write the values of SALES1, SALES2, and SALES3.
attrib sales1-sales3 format=comma10.2;Because the ATTRIB statement permanently associates a format with a variable, any subsequent DATA step or PROC step uses COMMA10.2 to write the values of SALES1, SALES2, and SALES3.
System Option
SAS produces an error
that causes the current DATA or PROC step to stop.
SAS continues processing
and substitutes a default format, usually the BESTw.
or $w. format.