The Exception transformation
creates an overview report. If exceptions are found, the transformation
also generates individual reports. The following display shows the
unexpanded overview report.
To see the expanded
version of the overview report, click the name of the exception definition.
(In the preceding display, this name is circled.) The expanded overview
report lists the Group By values (for the MACHINEs)
that matched the condition that was specified by the exception definition.
In this example, the following MACHINES had CPU Utilization below
20% for 6 observations (hours) in a row: misbi4a, misbi5a, and misbi6a.
To see the individual
reports for the MACHINES that experienced low CPU utilization, click
the corresponding MACHINE. In the preceding
display, the misbi4a MACHINE is circled. That action displays the
individual report for misbi4a.
Note: The remainder of this example
pertains to the misbi4a machine.
To see the observations
that matched the expression that was specified in the exception definition,
click Link to Observations That Match the Exception Definition
Expression Report. (The link is circled in the preceding
display.) The expression that was specified in the exception definition