Importing, Exporting, and Promoting Metadata

About Importing, Exporting, and Promoting Metadata

SAS IT Resource Management metadata objects are managed as all other SAS metadata objects are managed. The SAS Intelligence Platform provides several tools to assist you in copying, promoting, importing, and exporting your metadata. For information about how metadata can be managed, see the “Using the Promotion Tools” chapter in the SAS 9.4 Intelligence Platform: Data Administration Guide.

About Promoting an IT Data Mart

The IT data mart object is unique to SAS IT Resource Management and enables you to perform actions on the whole IT data mart. One of these actions is the ability to promote the IT data mart by means of the export and import tools. These tools can be used to promote IT data marts that were created in SAS IT Resource Management 3.2 and later to a new IT Resource Management environment. They enable you to move the definition of an IT data mart from one metadata server to another. For example, you might want to move (or promote) an IT data mart for one of the following reasons:
  • to move an IT data mart from a test system to a production system
  • to move an IT data mart to a new server when the original host is being replaced by new or different hardware
  • to share an IT data mart within or across an organization
  • to share user-written or customized adapters across IT data marts or IT Resource Management systems


If you migrated from an earlier release of SAS IT Resource Management, you might have worked with an ITMS repository. IT data marts in that repository do not have to be moved to the Foundation repository. By default, new IT data marts are created in the Foundation repository.
Earlier releases of SAS IT Resource Management used a specific location for the Admin library. Therefore, each library could be named “Admin”. In later releases of SAS IT Resource Management, the name of any library must be unique (within a specific application server).
  • If you used the SAS Migration Utility, the libraries are automatically renamed so that they are unique.
  • If you used the Import from SAS Package wizard, the libraries are not automatically renamed and warnings are written to the SAS log. To correct this problem, rename the libraries manually so that their names are unique.

Methods of Exporting and Importing IT Data Marts

You can perform the exporting and importing of an IT data mart in two ways:
  • interactively, using the Export to SAS Package and Import from SAS Package wizards
  • in batch mode from an operating system command line or from a batch script. The tools that run in batch mode provide the same capabilities as the Export to SAS Package and Import from SAS Package wizards, with the following exceptions:
    • The wizards provide the option of either including or excluding associated physical content such as table data and source code files. When you use the batch tools, the promotion automatically includes all associated content except physical files for tables and external files. (The batch tools do not provide the option of promoting physical files for tables and external files.)
    • In the Export to SAS Package wizard, you can display a list of the objects on which an object depends and then individually specify which of these objects to export. In the batch export tool, you can select a global option to include all dependent objects.
You might have objects that are shared across multiple IT data marts, such as generated transformations or formulas. If so, export and then import the shared objects first, one time only. Then do one of the following:
  • Exclude the shared object from the IT data mart before you execute the Export to SAS Package and Import from SAS Package wizards.
  • Deselect the shared objects from the list of dependent objects in the Import from SAS Package wizard.
Note: Before you run the Import from SAS Package wizard, verify that shared objects are not checked in the list of dependent objects.
Note: For information about exporting and importing an IT data mart, see Chapter 3, “Migrating a Single IT Data Mart from SAS IT Resource Management 3.2, 3.21, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, or 3.7 to 3.7,” in SAS IT Resource Management 3.7: Migration Guide. For information about using the batch export and import tools, see the topic called “About the Batch Export and Import Tools” ( This topic can be found in the SAS Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide.