To support backloading
data or testing, you might want to run the batch script interactively.
Note: The batch script can run
only on a Windows machine. Therefore, if the SAS IT Resource Management
server is on Windows, the script can run on the server itself. However,
if the SAS IT Resource Management server is on a different platform,
copy the batch script to a Windows machine (for example, the SAS IT
Resource Management client machine).
Install the AWS CLI
on that machine and set the credential file with the AWS access parameters
for the AWS account. You can make the following changes to the batch
Gather Data for a Specific Period of Time
Specify one date to
fetch data for that specified day.
Specify two dates to
fetch data for the specified start date through the specified end
Note: Use this format for dates: yyyy-mm-dd.
Change the Location Where the Raw Data Files Are Generated
By default, raw data
files are generated at this location: %USERPROFILE%/
on the Windows machine from which
the batch script is run. To change the location, perform the following
Locate this code in
the batch script:
set datapath=%USERPROFILE%
Change the value of
datapath field to the desired location
(for example,
set datapath=\\networkpath\shared_location
The raw data files are
generated at this location: \\
Change the Value of the -h Parameter
By default, the –h parameter
fetches data for last 3,600 seconds, the prior hour.
Locate this code in
the batch script:
powershell get-date((get-date^).ToUniversalTime(^).addSeconds(-3600^)^)
Change the value
the new value. This value is the number of seconds between the current
datetime and the required datetime. The negative sign means that the
system needs the previous datetime. For example,
-18000 fetches
data for the previous five hours;
-86400 fetches
data for the previous day.