RRDtool — Accessing Raw Data

Preparing RRDtool Data for SAS IT Resource Management

The round-robin database tool, RRDtool, is a freeware package that is available for download from Tobias Oetiker.
Note: Before running the Adapter Setup wizard, install RRDtool.
The RRDtool adapter reads any round-robin databases that have been created with RRDtool. The data can be gathered at any interval (step), any metrics can be gathered, and any consolidation function (CF) can be used. Because SAS IT Resource Management has its own aggregation process, the data read from the round-robin databases should be detail data, not consolidated data. In order to store detail data using RRDtool, set the CF to any statistic, and then set the number of steps for each consolidation point to 1. This keeps the data at the detail level, that is, one record for each time interval.
Note: The RRDtool adapter reads the data even if it has been consolidated. If the data in the RRD is consolidated, then IT Resource Management requires that the CF staging parameter be set accordingly for that consolidation. If this staging parameter is left blank, then the data in all of the CFs in the RRD are collected.
The adapter can read a single round-robin database, or it can read all round-robin databases in directory. If multiple round-robin databases are read, the data is combined into a single staging table.
Because a round-robin database can store only numeric data, users of RRDtool generally store identifying character data in the name or path of the round-robin database. For example, SNMP data is often stored in round-robin databases. In addition, the device and interface information is usually used in the name of the round-robin database to identify the metrics that are being gathered. The filename of each round-robin database is saved by the RRDtool adapter in a field called filename. Therefore, it can be used to create computed columns with this identifying information. For example, if you have two round-robin databases: c:\RRD\ABC.rrd and c:\RRD\XYZ.rrd, then you can create a computed column with the following expression:scan(filename, 3, “\.”)
This enables you to store the name of each RRD (“ABC” and “XYZ”) in a new column.
Note: You can backload data from the RRDtool adapter. To do so, use the rrdtool fetch --start Option and rrdtool fetch --end Option staging parameters to specify the date range of data to be read. For information about backloading, see How to Backload Raw Data.

Preparing the RRDtool Adapter for Staging

To read the raw data from RRDtool, run Perl scripts as part of the staging process. This means that Perl must be installed on the machine that the SAS program runs on, that is, the SAS Workspace Server, the SAS batch server, or interactive SAS.
The Perl scripts that are used by the staging code are generated as part of the code generation of the staging job. This code can be viewed and modified as necessary in the Code tab of the job.
To run these scripts in batch mode, set the XCMD option for the Batch server. To do so, change set USERMODS_OPTIONS= to set USERMODS_OPTIONS=XCMD.
To run these scripts from within the SAS Workspace Server, the SAS option XCMD must be turned on. By default, this option is off in the SAS Workspace Server. For instructions about turning on the XCMD option, see How to Turn On the XCMD Option.

Working with the SSH Host Command

The SSH host command is an executable object that is available as part of the functionality of the RRDtool, SNMP, and Ganglia adapters. This command specifies the RSH or SSH version of the command and the name of the host for running the rrdtool command. For more information about the SSH Host command, see Notes about the SSH Host Command.