LASR Procedure

Example 8: Working with User-Defined Formats


By default, when user-defined formats are used with the server, the LASR procedure automatically uses these formats. The formats must be available in the format catalog search order. You can use the FMTSEARCH= system option to specify the format catalog search order. The LASR procedure converts the formats to an XML representation and transfers them to the server with the data.


proc format library=myfmts;
     value YesNo        1='Yes'        0='No';
     value checkThis    1='ThisisOne'  2='ThisisTwo';
     value $cityChar    1='Portage'    2='Kinston';

options fmtsearch=(myfmts); 1

proc lasr add data=orsdm.profit_company_product_year port=10010;
    format city $cityChar.; 2
    performance host="" 

Program Description

  1. The user-defined formats are available to the LASR procedure because they are added to the format catalog search order.
  2. When the $cityChar. format is applied to the city variable, the LASR procedure converts the formats to XML, and transfers the format information and the data to the server.