ADD Statement

The ADD statement is used to add a recommender system to the SAS LASR Analytic Server. If you do not provide a system name, the recommender system for the PROC RECOMMEND statement is used.

Requirement: The recommender system that you specify must not already exist in the SAS LASR Analytic Server.


ADD <recommender-system> </ option(s)>;

Optional Argument


specifies the name of the recommender system to create.

Default Value provided for the SYSTEM= or RECOM= option in the PROC RECOMMEND statement. If no value is specified, the default value RECOM.SYSTEM is used.

ADD Statement Options

You can specify the following optional arguments after the slash (/) in the ADD statement. These options apply to the recommender system that is used by the ADD statement.


specifies an optional WHERE clause for the recommender system. All of the data is filtered by this WHERE clause.



specifies which variables of the ORDERBY= list are used with descending sort order. Specifying the DESCENDING= option by itself has no effect. The option is specified in addition to the ORDERBY= option.

Alias DESC=


specifies the name of the column that contains item identification in the in-memory tables.


specifies a label that you can use to identify the recommender system. The label is returned in output from the SAS LASR Analytic Server.


specifies one or more variables to use for sorting ratings for a user or for an item in the derived tables. For example, you can specify a timestamp variable to arrange ratings in chronological order for each user or for each item. Separate multiple variables with a space.


specifies the permission setting for accessing the recommender system. The mode value is expressed as an integer, such as 755. The mode corresponds to the mode values that are used for UNIX file access permissions.

Alias PERM=
Default Permissions are set according to the UNIX file access permissions for the SAS LASR Analytic Server process.


specifies the name of the column that contains ratings in the in-memory tables.

Alias RATE=column-name


specifies the name of the column that contains user identification in the in-memory tables.