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Graphics Examples

Example 15.1 Scatter Plot Matrix

With the viewport capability of the IML graphics subroutine, you can arrange several graphs on a page. In this example, multiple graphs are generated from three variables and are displayed in a scatterplot matrix. For each variable, one contour plot is generated with each of the other variables as the dependent variable. For the graphs on the main diagonal, a box-and-whiskers plot is generated for each variable.

This example takes advantage of user-defined IML modules:


computes median and quartiles.


draws box-and-whiskers plots.


generates confidence ellipses assuming bivariate normal data.


draws the confidence ellipses for each pair of variables.


produces the scatter plot matrix, where is the number of variables.

The code for the five modules and a sample data set follow. The modules produce Figure 15.1.1 and Figure 15.1.2.

      /* This program generates a data set and uses iml graphics     */
      /* subsystem to draw a scatterplot matrix.                     */
      /*                                                             */
   data factory;
     input recno prod temp a defect mon;
       1   1.82675    71.124   1.12404   1.79845         2
       2   1.67179   70.9245  0.924523   1.05246         3
       3   2.22397    71.507   1.50696   2.36035         4
       4   2.39049   74.8912   4.89122   1.93917         5
       5   2.45503   73.5338   3.53382    2.0664         6
       6   1.68758   71.6764   1.67642   1.90495         7
       7   1.98233   72.4222   2.42221   1.65469         8
       8   1.17144   74.0884   4.08839   1.91366         9
       9   1.32697   71.7609   1.76087   1.21824        10
      10   1.86376   70.3978  0.397753   1.21775        11
      11   1.25541    74.888   4.88795   1.87875        12
      12   1.17617   73.3528   3.35277   1.15393         1
      13   2.38103   77.1762   7.17619   2.26703         2
      14   1.13669   73.0157   3.01566         1         3
      15   1.01569   70.4645  0.464485         1         4
      16   2.36641   74.1699   4.16991   1.73009         5
      17   2.27131   73.1005   3.10048   1.79657         6
      18   1.80597   72.6299   2.62986    1.8497         7
      19   2.41142   81.1973   11.1973     2.137         8
      20   1.69218   71.4521   1.45212   1.47894         9
      21   1.95271   74.8427    4.8427   1.93493        10
      22   1.28452   76.7901   6.79008   2.09208        11
      23   1.51663   83.4782   13.4782   1.81162        12
      24   1.34177   73.4237   3.42369   1.57054         1
      25   1.4309    70.7504  0.750369   1.22444         2
      26   1.84851   72.9226   2.92256   2.04468         3
      27   2.08114   78.4248   8.42476   1.78175         4
      28   1.99175   71.0635   1.06346   1.25951         5
      29   2.01235   72.2634    2.2634   1.36943         6
      30   2.38742   74.2037   4.20372   1.82846         7
      31   1.28055   71.2495   1.24953    1.8286         8
      32   2.05698   76.0557   6.05571   2.03548         9
      33   1.05429    77.721   7.72096   1.57831        10
      34   2.15398   70.8861  0.886068    2.1353        11
      35   2.46624   70.9682  0.968163   2.26856        12
      36   1.4406    73.5243   3.52429   1.72608         1
      37   1.71475    71.527   1.52703   1.72932         2
      38   1.51423   78.5824    8.5824   1.97685         3
      39   2.41538   73.7909   3.79093   2.07129         4
      40   2.28402    71.131   1.13101   2.25293         5
      41   1.70251   72.3616   2.36156   2.04926         6
      42   1.19747   72.3894    2.3894         1         7
      43   1.08089   71.1729   1.17288         1         8
      44   2.21695   72.5905   2.59049   1.50915         9
      45   1.52717   71.1402   1.14023   1.88717        10
      46   1.5463    74.6696   4.66958   1.25725        11
      47   2.34151        90        20   3.57864        12
      48   1.10737   71.1989   1.19893   1.62447         1
      49   2.2491    76.6415   6.64147   2.50868         2
      50   1.76659   71.7038   1.70377     1.231         3
      51   1.25174   76.9657   6.96572   1.99521         4
      52   1.81153   73.0722   3.07225   2.15915         5
      53   1.72942   71.9639   1.96392   1.86142         6
      54   2.17748   78.1207   8.12068   2.54388         7
      55   1.29186   77.0589   7.05886   1.82777         8
      56   1.92399   72.6126   2.61256   1.32816         9
      57   1.38008   70.8872  0.887228   1.37826        10
      58   1.96143   73.8529   3.85289   1.87809        11
      59   1.61795   74.6957   4.69565   1.65806        12
      60   2.02756   75.7877   5.78773   1.72684         1
      61   2.41378   75.9826   5.98255   2.76309         2
      62   1.41413   71.3419   1.34194   1.75285         3
      63   2.31185   72.5469   2.54685   2.27947         4
      64   1.94336   71.5592   1.55922   1.96157         5
      65   2.094     74.7338   4.73385   2.07885         6
      66   1.19458    72.233   2.23301         1         7
      67   2.13118   79.1225    9.1225   1.84193         8
      68   1.48076   87.0511   17.0511   2.94927         9
      69   1.98502   79.0913   9.09131   2.47104        10
      70   2.25937   73.8232   3.82322   2.49798        12
      71   1.18744   70.6821  0.682067    1.2848         1
      72   1.20189   70.7053  0.705311   1.33293         2
      73   1.69115   73.9781    3.9781   1.87517         3
      74   1.0556   73.2146   3.21459         1          4
      75   1.59936   71.4165   1.41653   1.29695         5
      76   1.66044   70.7151  0.715145   1.22362         6
      77   1.79167   74.8072   4.80722   1.86081         7
      78   2.30484   71.5028   1.50285   1.60626         8
      79   2.49073   71.5908   1.59084   1.80815         9
      80   1.32729   70.9077  0.907698   1.12889        10
      81   2.48874   83.0079   13.0079   2.59237        11
      82   2.46786   84.1806   14.1806   3.35518        12
      83   2.12407   73.5826   3.58261   1.98482         1
      84   2.46982   76.6556   6.65559   2.48936         2
      85   1.00777   70.2504  0.250364         1         3
      86   1.93118   73.9276   3.92763   1.84407         4
      87   1.00017   72.6359   2.63594    1.3882         5
      88   1.90622    71.047     1.047    1.7595         6
      89   2.43744    72.321   2.32097   1.67244         7
      90   1.25712        90        20   2.63949         8
      91   1.10811   71.8299   1.82987         1         9
      92   2.25545   71.8849    1.8849   1.94247        10
      93   2.47971   73.4697    3.4697   1.87842        11
      94   1.93378   74.2952    4.2952   1.52478        12
      95   2.17525   73.0547   3.05466   2.23563         1
      96   2.18723   70.8299  0.829929   1.75177         2
      97   1.69984   72.0026   2.00263   1.45564         3
      98   1.12504   70.4229  0.422904   1.06042         4
      99   2.41723   73.7324   3.73238   2.18307         5

   proc iml;

      /*-- Load graphics --*/
      call gstart;

      /*-- Define modules --*/

      /*   Module : compute contours   */
      start contour(c,x,y,npoints,pvalues);

      /*   This routine computes contours for a scatter plot         */
      /*   c returns the contours as consecutive pairs of columns    */
      /*   x and y are the x and y coordinates of the points         */
      /*   npoints is the number of points in a contour              */
      /*   pvalues is a column vector of contour probabilities       */
      /*   the number of contours is controlled by the ncol(pvalue)  */

      /* Correct for the mean */

      /* Find principal axes of ellipses */
         xx=xx` *xx/n;
         call eigen(v,e,xx);

      /* Set contour levels */
         a=sqrt(c*v[1]); b=sqrt(c*v[2]);

      /* Parameterize the ellipse by angle */
         s=s` *a;
         t=t` *b;

      /* Form contour points */

      /* Returned as ncol pairs of columns for contours */
      finish contour;
      /*-- Module : draw contour curves --*/
      start gcontour(t1, t2);
         run contour(t12, t1, t2, 30, {.5 .8 .9});
         window=(min(t12[,{1 3}],t1)||min(t12[,{2 4}],t2))//
                (max(t12[,{1 3}],t1)||max(t12[,{2 4}],t2));
         call gwindow(window);
         call gdraw(t12[,1],t12[,2],,'blue');
         call gdraw(t12[,3],t12[,4],,'blue');
         call gdraw(t12[,5],t12[,6],,'blue');
         call gpoint(t1,t2,,'red');
      finish gcontour;

      /*-- Module : find median, quartiles for box and whisker plot --*/
      start boxwhskr(x, u, q2, m, q1, l);

      /*-- Median --*/

      /*-- Compute quartiles --*/
         h=1.5*(q2-q1);   /*-- step=1.5*(interquartile range) --*/
         u=(u>s)[+,];     /*-- adjacent values -----------------*/

      finish boxwhskr;

      /*-- Box and Whisker plot --*/
      start gbxwhskr(t, ht);
         run boxwhskr(t, up, q2,med, q1, lo);

      /*---Adjust screen viewport and data window  */
         call gwindow({0, 100} || y);
         mid  = 50;
         wlen = 20;

      /*-- Add whiskers */

      /*-- Add box  */

      /*---Add median line  */

      /*---Attach whiskers to box  */

      /*-- Draw box and whiskers  */
         call gdrawl(from, to,,'red');

      /*---Add minimum and maximum data points */
         call gpoint(mid, y ,3,'red');

      /*---Label min, max, and mean  */
         s={'med' 'min' 'max'};
         call gset("font","swiss");
         call gset('height',13);
         call gscript(wstop+ht, y, char(y,5,2),,,,,'blue');
         call gstrlen(len, s);
         call gscript(wstart-len-ht,y,s,,,,,'blue');
         call gset('height');
      finish gbxwhskr;

      /*-- Module : do scatter plot matrix --*/
      start gscatmat(data, vname);
         call gopen('scatter');
         if (nv=1) then nv=nrow(vname);
         xstart=int((90 -cellwid * nv)/2) + 5;
         xgrid=((0:nv)#cellwid + xstart)`;

      /*-- Delineate cells --*/
         cell2=j(nv+1, 1, xstart);
         call gdrawl(cell1, cell2);
         call gdrawl(cell1[,{2 1}], cell2[,{2 1}]);
         xstart = xstart + dist;  ystart = xgrid[nv] + dist;

      /*-- Label variables ---*/
         call gset("height", 5);
         call gset("font","swiss");
         call gstrlen(len, vname);
         where=xgrid[1:nv] + (cellwid-len)/2;
         call gscript(where, 0, vname) ;
         where=xgrid[1:nv] + (cellwid-len)/2;
         call gscript(4,where, vname[nv - (0:nv-1)],90);

      /*-- First viewport --*/
         vp=(xstart || ystart)//((xstart || ystart) + width) ;

      /*  Since the characters are scaled to the viewport      */
      /*   (which is inversely porportional to the             */
      /*   number of variables),                               */
      /*   enlarge it proportional to the number of variables  */

         call gset("height", ht);
         do i=1 to nv;
            do j=1 to i;
               call gportstk(vp);
               if (i=j) then run gbxwhskr(data[,i], ht);
               else run gcontour(data[,j], data[,i]);
         /*-- onto the next viewport --*/
               vp[,1] = vp[,1] + cellwid;
               call gportpop;
            vp=(xstart // xstart + width) || (vp[,2] - cellwid);
         call gshow;
   finish gscatmat;

      /*-- Placement of text is based on the character height.       */
      /* The IML modules defined here assume percent as the unit of  */
      /* character height for device independent control.            */
   goptions gunit=pct;

   use factory;
   vname={prod, temp, defect};
   read all var vname into xyz;
   run gscatmat(xyz, vname[1:2]);   /*-- 2 x 2 scatter plot matrix --*/
   run gscatmat(xyz, vname);        /*-- 3 x 3 scatter plot matrix --*/

   goptions gunit=cell;             /*-- reset back to default --*/

Output 15.1.1 Scatter Plot Matrix
2 ×2 Scatter Plot Matrix

Output 15.1.2 Scatter Plot Matrix
3 ×3 Scatter Plot Matrix

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