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SAS System Options under Windows

HELPREGISTER System Option: Windows

Registers help files to access from the main SAS window Help menu.
Default: none
Valid in: configuration file, SAS invocation
Category: Environment control: Help
Windows specifics: all

Example 1: HTML Pages and URLs
Example 2: HTML Help Files (.CHM)
Example 3: WinHelp Files (.HLP)
See Also


-HELPREGISTER "menu string" help file location <"help string"> <topic><CHM | HLP | HTML>

"menu string"

is the text string that appears in the Help menu.

help file location

specifies the folder and the filename in which the help file is located. The help file location can be omitted if the file resides in a folder that is specified by the HELPLOC system option. The help file location can be truncated with !sasroot. If help file location includes blank spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks.

"help string"

is the text that appears in the status bar when a user places the mouse over the menu string.


is the topic within the help file that displays when you select menu string from SAS help menu. For HTML files, the topic is the anchor (preceded by #) within the document. For CHM files, the topic is the page within the CHM file. For HLP files, topic is the keyword in the file for which WinHelp searches. If topic includes blank spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks.


specifies an HtmlHelp CHM file on the local system or network.


specifies a WinHelp file on the local system or network.


specifies an HTML file on the local file system or network, or a valid URL.


Use the HELPREGISTER system option to add up to 20 help files that you would like available from the main SAS window Help menu. All strings containing spaces must be enclosed in double quotation marks. Optional arguments can be omitted by replacing them with a single period (.) or empty double quotation marks ("") . If no further argument is necessary, no place-holder is required.

To add multiple Help files to the Help menu, use multiple HELPREGISTER system options either in the configuration file or at the command prompt when you start SAS.


Example 1: HTML Pages and URLs

sas -helpregister "SAS Institute Inc"
    "SAS's homepage on the web" . html

sas -helpregister "Local HTML Doc" c:\mypage.htm 
    "My own help" middle

Example 2: HTML Help Files (.CHM)

sas -helpregister "My CHM file" \\server\share\HelpStuff.chm . 

sas -helpregister "SAS Windows Companion" host.chm . 

Example 3: WinHelp Files (.HLP)

sas -helpregister "A WinHelp File" c:\somefile.hlp 
    "simply an .hlp file"

sas -helpregister "WinHelp with a Topic" c:\somefile.hlp . 
    "My Topic"

See Also

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