Changing Your Working Directory in UNIX Environments

What Is Your Working Directory?

The working directory is the operating system directory to which many SAS commands and actions apply. By default, SAS uses the current directory as the working directory when you begin your SAS session.

Changing Your Working Directory

You can change the working directory during your SAS session. You can use the Change Working Directory dialog box to select a new directory, or you can use the X command, the X statement, the CALL SYSTEM routine, or the %SYSEXEC macro statement to issue the change directory (cd) command. For information about the X command and statement, the CALL SYSTEM routine, and the %SYSEXEC macro statement, see Executing Operating System Commands from Your SAS Session.

The Change Working Directory Dialog Box

To open the Change Working Directory dialog box, issue the DLGCDIR command or select Toolsthen selectOptionsthen selectChange Directory.
The Change Working Directory Dialog Box
Change Working Directory Dialog Box
The Change Working Directory dialog box works exactly the same as the Open dialog box, except that you cannot select a file from the list. For an explanation of the options in the Change Working Directory dialog box, see Description of the Open Dialog Box Options.