You can also use the PRTFILE command, followed by the
PRINT command, to print the contents of windows. This method enables
you to override some of the defaults that are established by the FORM
subsystem, such as the destination or the SYSOUT class.
Note: The PRTFILE command does
not apply to Universal Printing printers. Default values of system-defined
printers in the Universal Printing subsystem can be overridden in
Properties window. The modified printer
definition is saved to the SASUSER file, which overrides any definition
of a printer of the same name in the SASHELP file.
PRTFILE establishes
the destination, and PRINT sends the contents of the window to that
destination. If you do not specify a destination with the PRTFILE
command, PRINT automatically sends the window contents to your default
printer. For information about using the PRINT command alone, see
Using the PRINT Command and the FORM Subsystem.
For example, to print
the contents of your
Output window on RMT5
instead of on your default printer, follow these steps:
From the
Editor window, submit a FILENAME statement or FILENAME
function to allocate a destination file for the output. You can use
the DEST= and SYSOUT= options to specify the destination and SYSOUT
class, respectively. You can also direct the output to the HOLD queue
by specifying the HOLD option. For information about other options
that you can specify, see
SYSOUT Data Set Options for the FILENAME Statement. filename myrpt dest=rmt5 sysout=a hold;
Note: The destination printer that
you specify in the FILENAME statement or FILENAME function must be
the same type of printer as your default printer.
From a command line,
issue the PRTFILE command, specifying the fileref from your FILENAME
statement or FILENAME function.
prtfile myrpt
From the command line
of the window whose contents you want to print, issue the PRINT command.
If you want to print
the contents of any other windows, issue the PRINT command from the
command line of those windows. A dialog box warns you that the destination
file already exists. Enter
in the dialog
box to append the window contents to the destination file.
From the command line
of the first window that you printed, issue the FREE command.
From the
Editor window, submit a FILENAME statement or FILENAME
function to clear (deassign) the fileref. Your output is not actually
printed until you perform this step.
filename myrpt clear;