To produce
a graph, use the SGRENDER procedure:
proc sgrender data=sashelp.class template=modelfit; run;
The SGRENDER procedure takes two
required arguments: DATA= for the input data set and TEMPLATE= for
the STATGRAPH template to be used.
SGRENDER produces the graph
building a data object for the
template. This data object contains only the requested variables (HEIGHT
and WEIGHT) for the scatter points along with any other internally
computed values, such as the points on the regression line.
obtaining default color, line,
marker, and font properties from the currently active style.
This information,
along with the GTL definition of the graph, is then passed to a rendering
module that assembles everything and produces an image, which is integrated
into the active ODS destination(s).
Minimally, one ODS destination must be open. By default,
that destination is LISTING. For this destination, the default is
to create an image of type PNG.
Graph output to the LISTING destination is not displayed
automatically. To view the output, you can open the
Results window (choose
ViewResults from the menu) and select it.
Graph that Has Been Opened from the Results Window in MS Windows