Data Attachment Examples for Annotations

Example: Text Annotation

This example shows how text annotations behave when the plot area is resized. The behavior varies depending on whether the annotation is attached to the data.
The following display shows a text annotation in the upper left corner within a plot. In the example, the text annotation has a red circle around it:
Example Text Annotation in a Plot
Example Text Annotation in Plot
By default, the annotation is attached to data in the upper left corner.
The following display shows the same graph with titles added. The titles cause the plot to get smaller. The annotation stays with the data when the graph is resized.
Text Annotation in a Resized Plot
Example Text Annotation in Plot, Resized
The next display shows the result when you add titles to the graph but have changed the properties of the text annotation so that the annotation is not attached to the data.
Text Annotation That is Not Attached to the Data
Example Text Annotation in Plot, Resized
The text remains in place when the plot is resized because the text is not attached to the data.

Example: Oval Annotation Around a Data Point

This example shows the behavior of ovals that are created around data points when the plot area is resized. The behavior varies depending on whether the oval is attached to the data point.
The following display shows an oval annotation around a data point in a plot:
Oval Annotation in a Plot
Example Oval Annotation in Plot
By default, the annotation is attached to the data point.
The following display shows the same graph with more titles added. The titles cause the plot to get smaller. The oval stays around the data point when the graph is resized.
Oval Annotation in a Resized Plot
Example Oval Annotation in Plot, Resized
The next display shows the result when you add titles to the graph but have changed the properties of the oval so that it is not attached to the data.
Oval Annotation That is Not Attached to the Data
Example Oval Annotation in Plot, Resized
The oval does not move when the plot is resized because the oval is not attached to the data point.

Example: Arrow Annotation Partially Attached to Data

This example shows the behavior of arrow annotations when the plot area is resized. One end of the arrow is attached to the data and the other end isn't.
The following display shows an arrow with one end in a plot and the other end outside the plot:
Arrow That Is Partially in a Plot
Example Arrow Partly in Plot
Only the end that resides within the plot is attached to the data.
The following display shows the same graph with another title added. When the plot is resized, the end of the arrow that is attached to the data moves, while the other end stays in place.
Arrow in a Resized Plot
Example Arrow Partly in Plot that is Resized

Example: Marker Annotation with Text That Is Cropped

This example shows the behavior of marker annotations that have text when the text is moved off the edge of the plot.
The following display shows a marker annotation with text (toward the bottom of the plot):
Marker Annotation with Text
Example Marker in Plot
By default, the marker and its text are attached to the data.
The next display show the marker after it has been moved downward so that the text moves outside the plot. The text disappears (is cropped). By default, when the annotation is attached to the data, any part of the annotation that resides outside the plot is cropped.
Marker Annotation with Cropped Text
Example Marker, Text is Cropped
The next display shows the result when you change the properties of the marker so that cropping is disabled. The marker text appears outside the plot.
Marker Annotation with Text That Is Not Cropped
Example Marker, Text is Not Cropped
Note: Another way to make the marker text appear is to reposition the text above the marker. You can also change the properties of the marker so that it is not attached to the data.

Example: Annotation Positioned Over a Legend in a Graph That Is Resized

This example shows the behavior of an annotation that is positioned over a legend. Because it is created outside the plot area, the annotation is not attached to the data. When the graph is resized, the annotation stays in place.
The following display shows a graph that has a legend, with an oval created around part of the legend:
Oval Annotation Positioned Over a Legend
Example Oval Annotation in Legend
By default, the annotation is not attached to the data because it was created outside of the plot area.
The next display shows the same graph when it is reduced in size. The oval moves with the graph, but is no longer around the same portion of the legend.
Oval Annotation in a Resized Graph
Example Oval No Longer on Legend
Note: The same behavior occurs when you save the graph as a PNG file and specify a DPI larger than 100. When you close and then reopen the PNG, you see that the graph size has changed. However, the oval that was positioned over the legend is no longer around the same portion of the legend.