Methods Used to Edit ODS Graphs

Edit an ODS Graph from the SAS Results Window

From the SAS Results window, you can edit an ODS graph that you create from a SAS program.
Before you attempt to edit a graph, make sure you have done the following:
Note: You cannot edit an ODS graph on z/OS systems.
To edit a graph from the SAS Results window:
  1. Click the expansion icon in the SAS Results window to expand the list of graphs that you created.
  2. Double-click the SGE file, which is identified by the ODS Graphics Editor icon icon.
    The ODS Graphics Editor opens and displays the graph for editing. You can now edit the graph using the various interactive tools.
Note: If you are using SAS 9.2 Phase 1, you should instead right-click a graph image, and select Edit from the menu. The ODS Graphics Editor creates and opens a file with an .sge extension.

Open a Graph in the ODS Graphics Editor

You can open and edit a graph that has previously been saved in the ODS Graphics Editor. See Types of Files That Can Be Edited. In addition, you can open any SGE file that has been generated by using the SGE=ON option in the LISTING destination. This includes SGE files that were created on z/OS systems, which do not support running the ODS Graphics Editor. For more information, see About SGE Files Generated on z/OS Systems.
To edit an existing graph:
  1. Start the ODS Graphics Editor by opening an editable graph from the SAS Results window.
    Note: Alternatively, on Windows or Linux, you can start the stand-alone editor from your system Start menu.
  2. In the ODS Graphics Editor, select Filethen selectOpen from the main menu.
  3. Select a file from the file system, and then select Open.
    If you selected an SGE file, you can edit and annotate the graph using the various interactive tools. If you selected a PNG file, then you can only annotate the graph.