Add a Plot to a Graph

When you select a graph from the Graph Gallery, the graph already contains one or more plots. If you create a new blank graph or add cells (rows or columns) to an existing graph, then you must manually add a plot to the graph cell. The empty cell contains the text “drop a plot here...”.
Blank graph
Note: You cannot add plots to matrix graphs that you create from the Matrix tab of the Graph Gallery.
To add a plot to a graph cell:
  1. In the Plot Layers panel of the Elements pane, click the icon that corresponds to the plot that you want to add. If the Plot Layers panel is not visible, select Viewthen selectElements to display it.
  2. Drag the icon to the empty cell. The Assign Data dialog box opens.
  3. Specify the data for the plot, and then click OK. For more information, see Assigning Data to a Plot.
  4. Repeat the previous steps if you want to add another plot overlaid on the existing plot.
    Note: All plots in a cell must use one common data set.
Note: The Plot Layers panel also contains reference lines that you can add to a graph. When you click and drag a reference line, the line is placed in a location near the cursor. A dialog box opens in which you can specify the position value and other settings. After you add the line, you can move the line to a different location. When you position the cursor over the line, the cursor changes to a two-headed arrow cursor is a two-headed arrow. You can then click and drag the line to the new location.