GSLIDE Procedure

Overview: GSLIDE Procedure

About The GSLIDE Procedure

The GSLIDE procedure is useful for creating text slides for presentations. You can overlay text slides on other graphics output with the GREPLAY procedure. The GSLIDE procedure produces graphics output that consists of text and straight lines that are generated by TITLE, FOOTNOTE, and NOTE statements. In addition, the procedure provides an easy way to add titles, notes, and footnotes to output that is produced entirely with an Annotate data set.
The GSLIDE procedure is not supported by the JAVA, JAVAIMG, ACTIVEX, and ACTXIMG graphics devices. If you use one of these devices with the GSLIDE procedure, the SAS/GRAPH software uses the PNG device driver to generate the output instead and outputs the following note to the SAS log:
NOTE: The graph is being created as a PNG file because the type of graph you requested is not
      supported by the <device-name> client.
where <device-name> is JAVA, JAVAIMG, ACTIVEX, or ACTXIMG.

About Text Slides

Text slides contain text and graphics that are generated by SAS/GRAPH statements.
Text Slide Produced by the GSLIDE Procedure (GSLTEXTS) shows a slide containing text that was produced with TITLE, FOOTNOTE, and NOTE statements.
Text Slide Produced by the GSLIDE Procedure (GSLTEXTS)
Example text slide
The program for this slide is in Producing Text Slides.

About Annotate Output

Annotate output is generated by commands that are stored in an Annotate data set. Use the GSLIDE procedure to display Annotate output when you want to include TITLE and FOOTNOTE statements on the output and use certain graphics options such as the BORDER option. To display Annotate graphics without these, use the GANNO procedure. See Using Annotate Data Sets for more information on creating and displaying Annotate data sets.
Output from an Annotate Data Set Displayed with the GSLIDE Procedure (GSLANNOT) shows output from an Annotate data set that is displayed with titles and footnotes that were generated by TITLE and FOOTNOTE statements.
Output from an Annotate Data Set Displayed with the GSLIDE Procedure (GSLANNOT)
Output from an Annotate Data Set Displayed with the GSLIDE
Procedure (GSLANNOT)
The program for this slide is in Displaying Annotate Graphics.