Animating Output with the SVGANIM Printer

You can use the SVGANIM universal printer to create a single SVG file that displays a sequence of images. These animated sequences are commonly referred to as slide shows. By default, the display sequence repeats until you click the Pause button in the browser or until you display another Web page.
Two graphics options affect the slide show.
specifies the duration of the transition (fade in) between images. Specify the delay in hundredths of a second.
specifies whether the slide show displays only once or repeats continuously. The default value is 0, which repeats the slide show continuously. A value of 1 displays the slide show only once.
By default, the SVGANIM printer adds three buttons to the top of the display.
SVG animation Controls button
turns on and off the display of the buttons across the top of the SVG image.
SVG animation Reset button
resets the animation to the initial image.
SVG animation Play button
starts the animation. While the animation is playing, the Play button changes to the Pause button SVG animation Pause button.
The following display shows an image from the SVG slide show created by the example code shown in Creating a Slide Show Using the SVGANIM Universal Printer.
SVG animation
Creating a Slide Show Using the SVGANIM Universal Printer
/* Close the HTML destination */
/* to conserve resources.     */

ods html close;

/* Set the graphic environment. The DELAY= */
/* option sets the amount of time between  */
/* graphs in the animation sequence.       */

goptions reset=all delay=100 htext=1.5 htitle=2;
options nodate nonumber;

/* Open the printer destination, specify  */
/* the svganim printer, change the style. */

ods printer file="svgAnim.svg" printer=svganim style=harvest;

/* Create a data set by extracting data */
/* from sashelp.prdsale. Keep only the  */ 
/* columns needed for the graphs.       */

data work.qsales;
set sashelp.prdsale (keep=Actual Country Product Quarter Year);

/* Sort the data by quarter. When using */
/* BY groups, the data must be sorted   */
/* according to the BY variable.        */ 

proc sort data=work.qsales;
by quarter;

/* Set the major tick mark interval */
/* on the vertical axis.            */

axis1 order=(0 to 25000 by 5000);

/* Generate graphs for 1993. */

title1 "1993 Sales";
proc gchart data=work.qsales(where=(year=1993));
vbar3d country / sumvar=actual subgroup=product sum 
       raxis=axis1 shape=cylinder;
where product in ("BED" "TABLE" "CHAIR");
by quarter;

/* Generate graphs for 1994. */

title1 "1994 Sales";
proc gchart data=work.qsales(where=(year=1994));
vbar3d country / sumvar=actual subgroup=product sum 
       raxis=axis1 shape=cylinder;
where product in ("BED" "TABLE" "CHAIR");
by quarter;

/* Close the printer destination and reopen the HTML   */ 
/* destination. Closing the printer destination closes */
/* the output file.                                    */

ods printer close;
ods html;