FEDSQL Functions by Category

Category Language Elements Description
Aggregate AVG Function Returns the average of all values in a column.
COUNT Function Returns the number of rows retrieved by a SELECT statement for a specified table.
CSS Function Returns the corrected sum of squares of all values in an expression.
KURTOSIS Function Returns the kurtosis of all values in an expression.
MAX Function Returns the maximum value in a column.
MIN Function Returns the minimum value in an expression.
NMISS Function Returns the number of null values or SAS missing values in an expression.
PROBT Function Returns the probability from a t distribution of the values in an expression.
RANGE Function Returns the range between values in an expression.
SKEWNESS Function Returns the skewness of all values in an expression.
STD Function Returns the standard deviation.
STDDEV Function Returns the statistical standard deviation of all values in an expression.
STDERR Function Returns the statistical standard error of all values in an expression.
STUDENTS_T Function Returns the Student's t distribution of the values in an expression.
SUM Function Returns the sum of all the values in an expression.
USS Function Returns the uncorrected sum of squares of all the values in an expression.
VARIANCE Function Returns the measure of the dispersion of all values in an expression.
Bitwise Logical Operations BAND Function Returns the bitwise logical AND of two arguments.
BLSHIFT Function Returns the bitwise logical left shift of two arguments.
BOR Function Returns the bitwise logical OR of two arguments.
BRSHIFT Function Returns the bitwise logical right shift of two arguments.
BXOR Function Returns the bitwise logical EXCLUSIVE OR of two arguments.
Character CHARACTER_LENGTH Function Returns the number of characters in a string of any data type.
COALESCEC Function Returns the first non-null or nonmissing value from a list of character arguments.
CURRENT_LOCALE Function Returns the five character name of the current locale.
LOWCASE Function Converts all letters in a character expression to lowercase.
OCTET_LENGTH Function Returns the number of bytes in a string of any data type.
QUOTE Function Adds double quotation marks to a character value.
REPEAT Function Repeats a character expression.
REVERSE Function Reverses a character expression.
SUBSTRING Function Extracts a substring from a character string.
TRIM Function Removes leading characters, trailing characters, or both from a character string.
UPCASE Function Converts all letters in an argument to uppercase.
Date and Time CURRENT_DATE Function Returns the current date for the time zone.
CURRENT_TIME Function Returns the current time for your time zone.
CURRENT_TIME_GMT Function Returns the current GMT time.
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Function Returns the date and time for your time zone.
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP_GMT Function Returns the current GMT date and time.
DATE Function Returns the current date as a SAS date value.
DATEJUL Function Converts a Julian date to a SAS date value.
DATEPART Function Returns the date as year, month, and day.
DAY Function Returns the numeric day of the month from a date or datetime value.
HOUR Function Returns the hour from a time or datetime value.
JULDATE Function Returns the Julian date from a SAS date value.
JULDATE7 Function Returns a seven-digit Julian date from a SAS date value.
MAKEDATE Function Returns the date as year, month, and day.
MAKETIME Function Returns the time as hours, minutes, and seconds.
MAKETIMESTAMP Function Returns the timestamp.
MINUTE Function Returns the minute from a time or datetime value.
MONTH Function Returns the numeric month from a date or datetime value.
QTR Function Returns the quarter of the year from a SAS date value.
SECOND Function Returns the second from a time or datetime value.
TIMEPART Function Returns the time as hours, minutes, and seconds.
TODAY Function Returns the current date as a numeric SAS date value.
WEEKDAY Function From a SAS date value, returns an integer that corresponds to the day of the week.
YEAR Function Returns the year from a date or datetime value.
YYQ Function Returns a SAS date value from year and quarter year values.
Descriptive Statistics AVG Function Returns the average of all values in a column.
CSS Function Returns the corrected sum of squares of all values in an expression.
CV Function Returns the coefficient of variation.
GEOMEAN Function Returns the geometric mean.
GEOMEANZ Function Returns the geometric mean, using zero fuzzing.
HARMEAN Function Returns the harmonic mean.
HARMEANZ Function Returns the harmonic mean, using zero fuzzing.
IQR Function Returns the interquartile range.
LARGEST Function Returns the kth largest non-null or nonmissing value.
KURTOSIS Function Returns the kurtosis of all values in an expression.
MAD Function Returns the median absolute deviation from the median.
MAX Function Returns the maximum value in a column.
MEAN Function Returns the arithmetic mean (average) of the non-null or nonmissing arguments.
MEDIAN Function Returns the median value.
MIN Function Returns the minimum value in an expression.
ORDINAL Function Orders a list of values, and returns a value that is based on a position in the list.
PCTL Function Returns the percentile that corresponds to the percentage.
PROBT Function Returns the probability from a t distribution of the values in an expression.
RANGE Function Returns the range between values in an expression.
RMS Function Returns the root mean square.
SKEWNESS Function Returns the skewness of all values in an expression.
SMALLEST Function Returns the kth smallest non-null or nonmissing value.
STD Function Returns the standard deviation.
STDDEV Function Returns the statistical standard deviation of all values in an expression.
STDERR Function Returns the statistical standard error of all values in an expression.
STUDENTS_T Function Returns the Student's t distribution of the values in an expression.
SUM Function Returns the sum of all the values in an expression.
USS Function Returns the uncorrected sum of squares of all the values in an expression.
VARIANCE Function Returns the measure of the dispersion of all values in an expression.
Financial BLACKCLPRC Function Calculates call prices for European options on futures, based on the Black model.
BLACKPTPRC Function Calculates put prices for European options on futures, based on the Black model.
BLKSHCLPRC Function Calculates call prices for European options on stocks, based on the Black-Scholes model.
BLKSHPTPRC Function Calculates put prices for European options on stocks, based on the Black-Scholes model.
MARGRCLPRC Function Calculates call prices for European options on stocks, based on the Margrabe model.
MARGRPTPRC Function Calculates put prices for European options on stocks, based on the Margrabe model.
Mathematical ABS Function Returns the absolute value of a numeric value expression.
BETA Function Returns the value of the beta function.
COALESCE Function Returns the first non-null or nonmissing value from a list of numeric arguments.
E Function Returns the natural logarithm, e.
EXP Function Returns the value of the e constant raised to a specified power.
GAMMA Function Returns the value of the gamma function.
GCD Function Returns the greatest common divisor for a set of integers.
LCM Function Returns the least common multiple for a set of integers.
LOG Function Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of a numeric value expression.
LOG2 Function Returns the base-2 logarithm of a numeric value expression.
LOG10 Function Returns the base-10 logarithm of a numeric value expression.
LOGBETA Function Returns the logarithm of the beta function.
MOD Function Returns the remainder from the division of the first argument by the second argument, fuzzed to avoid most unexpected floating-point results.
PI Function Returns the constant value of PI as a floating-point value.
POWER Function Returns the value of a numeric value expression raised to a specified power.
SIGN Function Returns a number that indicates the sign of a numeric value expression.
SQRT Function Returns the square root of a value.
Probability PROBBNML Function Returns the probability from a binomial distribution.
PROBBNRM Function Returns a probability from a bivariate normal distribution.
PROBCHI Function Returns the probability from a chi-square distribution.
Special CAST Function Converts a value from one data type to another.
IFNULL Function Checks the value of the first expression and, if it is null or a SAS missing value, returns the second expression.
PUT Function Returns a value using a specified format.
Trigonometric ACOS Function Returns the arccosine in radians.
ASIN Function Returns the arcsine in radians.
ATAN Function Returns the arctangent in radians.
ATAN2 Function Returns the arctangent of the x and y coordinates of a right triangle, in radians.
COS Function Returns the cosine in radians.
COSH Function Returns the hyperbolic cosine in radians.
COT Function Returns the tangent in radians.
DEGREES Function Returns the number of degrees for an angle in radians.
RADIANS Function Returns the number of radians converted from a numeric degree value.
SIN Function Returns the trigonometric sine.
SINH Function Returns the hyperbolic sine.
TAN Function Returns the tangent.
TANH Function Returns the hyperbolic tangent.
Truncation CEIL Function Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a numeric value expression.
CEILZ Function Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the argument, using zero fuzzing.
FLOOR Function Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a numeric value expression.
FLOORZ Function Returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the argument, using zero fuzzing.