The ESM Procedure

Example 15.5 Illustration of ODS Graphics

This example illustrates the use of ODS graphics in the ESM procedure and uses the SASHELP.AIR data set to forecast the time series of international airline travel.

The graphical displays are requested by specifying the PLOT= option in the PROC ESM statement. In this case, all plots are requested. Output 15.5.1 through Output 15.5.5 show a selection of the plots created.

For information about the graphics available in the ESM procedure, see the section ODS Graphics.

proc esm data=sashelp.air out=_null_
   id date interval=month;
   forecast air / model=addwinters transform=log;

Output 15.5.1: Smoothed Trend Plot

Smoothed Trend Plot

Output 15.5.2: Prediction Error Plot

Prediction Error Plot

Output 15.5.3: Prediction Error Standardized ACF Plot

 Prediction Error Standardized ACF Plot

Output 15.5.4: Forecast Plot

Forecast Plot

Output 15.5.5: Prediction Error Spectral Density

Prediction Error Spectral Density