Example 38.9 Using Fiscal Date Range Restriction

Fiscal date ranges give you the flexibility of selecting company data by using fiscal year range sepcifications instead of calendar year range specifications. This example shows how to use this feature to extract data such as the 'Earnings Per Share' time series for several companies for the 1994 fiscal year.

title 'Extract data for fiscal year 1994 for several companies';

libname _all_ clear;
libname crsp1 sasecrsp "%sysget(CRSP_CST)"
        gvkey=6066 gvkey=12141 gvkey=10107

data rnd_eps (keep = gvkey rcaldt fiscaldt iq4 iq9 iq19 iq69);
   set crsp1.iqitems;

proc print data=rnd_eps label;

Output 38.9.1 shows Earnings Per Share for several companies for the 1994 fiscal year.

Output 38.9.1 Earnings Per Share by GVKEY Access for the 1994 Fiscal Year.
Extract data for fiscal year 1994 for several companies

Obs GVKEY Raw Calendar
Trading Date
Fiscal Trading
Research and Development
Earnings Per Share
(Diluted) - Excluding
Extraordinary Items
Earnings Per Share
(Basic) - Excluding
Extraordinary Items
Net Income (Loss)
1 6066 19940331 19940331 1100.0000 0.6300 0.6400 392.0000
2 6066 19940630 19940630 1092.0000 1.1300 1.1400 688.0000
3 6066 19940930 19940930 1053.0000 1.1600 1.1800 710.0000
4 6066 19941230 19941230 1118.0000 2.0300 2.0600 1231.0000
5 12141 19930930 19940331 134.0000 0.7900 0.7900 239.0000
6 12141 19931231 19940630 150.0000 0.9500 0.9500 289.0000
7 12141 19940331 19940930 156.0000 0.8400 0.8400 256.0000
8 12141 19940630 19941230 170.0000 0.5900 0.5900 362.0000
9 10107 19940331 19940331 A 0.4600 0.4600 11.3890
10 10107 19940630 19940630 A 0.7100 0.7100 17.3670
11 10107 19940930 19940930 A 0.7600 0.7600 18.8070
12 10107 19941230 19941230 100.9630 0.5400 0.5400 13.4190

Note how two time ID variables are kept. Raw Calendar Trading Date provides the actual calendar date. Fiscal Trading Date provides the date according to the company’s fiscal calendar which is dependent upon when its fiscal year-end month is. For example, Observation 8 is Microsoft’s fourth fiscal quarter, hence a Fiscal Trading Date of December 30,1994. Since Microsoft’s fiscal year ends in June, its fourth fiscal quarter corresponds to the second calendar quarter of the year, so the Raw Calendar Trading Date shows June 30,1994. The shift calculation of six months (in this case) required to compute the Raw Calendar Trading Date is done automatically by the SASECRSP engine.Keep in mind that fiscal date ranges are applicable only to fiscal members. When fiscal date range restrictions are applied to nonfiscal members, they are ignored. The missing value '.A' seen in observations 9 through 12 indicate that the data is reported only on an annual basis.