Controlling the Time Range of Data – The RANGE Statement

The RANGE statement is used to control the time range of observations included in the output data set. Figure 12.2 shows an example extracting the foreign exchange rates from September 1985 to February 1987, you can use the following statements:

/*-- Controlling the Time Range of Data - The RANGE Statement --*/
filename citifile "%sysget(DATASRC_DATA)citiaf.dat" RECFM=F LRECL=80;
proc datasource filetype=dribasic infile=citifile
                interval=month  out=dataset;
   keep  exrjan exrsw exruk;
   range from 1985:9 to 1987:2;

title1 'Printout of the OUT= Data Set';
proc print data=dataset;

Figure 12.2 Subset Obtained by KEEP and RANGE Statements
Printout of the OUT= Data Set

1 SEP1985 236.530 2.37490 136.420
2 OCT1985 214.680 2.16920 142.150
3 NOV1985 204.070 2.13060 143.960
4 DEC1985 202.790 2.10420 144.470
5 JAN1986 199.890 2.06600 142.440
6 FEB1986 184.850 1.95470 142.970
7 MAR1986 178.690 1.91500 146.740
8 APR1986 175.090 1.90160 149.850
9 MAY1986 167.030 1.85380 152.110
10 JUN1986 167.540 1.84060 150.850
11 JUL1986 158.610 1.74450 150.710
12 AUG1986 154.180 1.66160 148.610
13 SEP1986 154.730 1.65370 146.980
14 OCT1986 156.470 1.64330 142.640
15 NOV1986 162.850 1.68580 142.380
16 DEC1986 162.050 1.66470 143.930
17 JAN1987 154.830 1.56160 150.540
18 FEB1987 153.410 1.54030 152.800