and the import log file name is RuleFlowName_import.log
If rules can not be generated or the import process fails, the log
files contain detailed error messages.
Discovery Technique
Setup Variables
Decision Tree
number of rules: Select the maximum number of rules that
you want to be generated from the discovery analysis.
Select the terms whose
values you want to predict, and click to move them to the Actions list.
points: The scorecard points are scaled with this option
as the minimum value. You can specify any non-negative integer.
points: The scorecard points are scaled with this option
as the maximum value. You can specify any positive integer that is
greater than the Minimum points value.
Target variable:
specifies the variable that you are modeling. The variable must have
exactly two discrete values such as
0 and 1 or True and False .
Target category:
specifies how the values of the target variable are mapped. The scorecard
points are scaled to the likelihood of the two target variable values
based on the sort order. Select High to indicate
that the highest lexical value of the target variable is mapped to
the Maximum points value. Select Low to
indicate that the lowest lexical value of the target variable is mapped
to the Maximum points value.
Recency Frequency Monetary
Select the binning method.
Simple ranks are assigned to recency, frequency, and monetary values.
The three ranks are assigned independently.
A simple rank is assigned to recency values. Within each recency rank,
customers are then assigned a frequency rank. Within each frequency
rank, customer are assigned a monetary rank.
ID: specifies a numeric or character term that uniquely
identifies a customer.
date: specifies the transaction date.
amount: specifies the transaction amount.
Market Baskets
number of rules: Select the maximum number of rules that
you want to be generated from the discovery analysis.
specifies the customer ID.
specifies the item that was purchased.