Exports rule flows into a CSV file.

Restriction: This macro must be run on the server tier.


RULEFLOWS=ALL | %STR(rule_flow_1<,rule_flow_2>...),
CSV=output_filename.CSV<, FOLDER_PATH=path_name>);

Required Arguments


specifies the full pathname to the CSV file where you want to export the data.

RULEFLOWS=ALL | %STR(rule_flow_1<, rule_flow_2>...)

specifies the rule flows that you want to export. Specify ALL to export all rule flows. To export only selected rule flows, specify the identification numbers of the rule flows enclosed in quotation marks. Separate multiple identification numbers with commas.

Tip You can filter the rule flows that are exported by specifying the FOLDER_PATH= option.

Optional Argument


specifies a business rules folder pathname in SAS Decision Manager that you want to filter the output by. If you specify a folder pathname, then only the objects in that path are exported. For example, if you specify RULEFLOWS=ALL and FOLDER_PATH=RetailLoans, then only the rule flows in the folder RetailLoans are exported. If you specify RULEFLOWS=%STR(10045,10572) and FOLDER_PATH=RetailLoans, but neither of the specified rule flows are in the RetailLoans folder, then no rule flows are exported.

Use a forward slash to separate folder names.

Example FOLDER_PATH=Loans/Retail/Applications