Exports the contents of lookup tables into a CSV file.

Restriction: This macro must be run on the server tier.


%BRM_EXPORT_LOOKUP (CSV=output_filename.CSV<, FOLDER_PATH=path-name>
<, LOOKUP='lookup_table_1'<, 'lookup_table_2'>...>);

Required Argument


specifies the full pathname to the CSV file where you want to export the data.

Optional Arguments


specifies a business rules folder pathname in SAS Decision Manager that you want to filter the output by. If you specify a folder pathname, then only the objects in that path are exported.

Use a forward slash to separate folder names.

Example FOLDER_PATH=Loans/Retail/Applications

LOOKUP=%STR('lookup_table_1'<, 'lookup_table_2'>...)

specifies the lookup tables that you want to export. Specify the names of the lookup tables, enclosed in single quotation marks. Separate multiple names with commas.

By default, %BRM_EXPORT_LOOKUP exports all lookup tables. You do not need to specify the LOOKUP= option unless you want to export specific tables.

Tip You can filter the lookup tables that are exported by specifying the FOLDER_PATH= option.
Example lookup=%str('BadVINSTates','StateCodes')