A unique log
file is generated by default each time you run a batch job or a profile
job. Each such job is processed by a unique instance of the DFWFPROC
process. By default, the name of each batch job log file is added
as an entry in the Data Management Server log file dmserver.log. Job
status, based on the content of the job logs, is displayed in the
Monitor folder in DataFlux Data Management Studio.
Each new job log file
for a batch or profile job is stored by default in the following directory:
The default directory
is specified by the configuration option DMSERVER/WORK_ROOT_PATH.
To separate the batch
and profile job logs from the other files that are generated during
job runs, you can specify a non-default storage location. Specify
that path as the value of the configuration option DMSERVER/JOB_LOGS_DIR,
in the configuration file dmserver.cfg.
To locate batch and
profile job logs, locate the name of the log subdirectory that specifies
the date, time, process ID, and server request ID.
The name of the batch
or profile log file is illustrated in the following example:
In the preceding example,
a time stamp, 3727
is the server request
ID, and wfjob
is the log file type. The remainder
of the name specifies the name of the job.
Batch and profile job
logs are configured by default by the following file:
To change the default
name and default location of the batch and profile job log configuration
file, edit the value of the option BASE/LOGCONFIG_PATH. To change
log events and thresholds,
Change Log Events and Thresholds. Restart the server to apply your changes.
To change the encoding
of your batch and profile logs, set the configuration option BASE/JOB_LOG_ENCODING
in the file install-path/etc/app.cfg
By default, the log is written in the encoding of the locale of the
process that executes the job. For English-speaking organizations,
the encoding can be LATIN-1 or UTF-8. If a log line contains characters
that cannot be represented in the encoding, then the log line is not
written to the log file.