Configure DataFlux Data Management Server to Run Studio Jobs and Services

You create and test jobs and real-time services in DataFlux Data Management Studio. You then upload those jobs and services to a DataFlux Data Management Server.
To run a new job or service, the configuration of the DataFlux Data Management Server needs to replicate the configuration of the Studio client. Certain job nodes require specific option settings. Other nodes require additional configuration on the server, such as the creation of a repository.
Because jobs are created and configured in Studio, the documentation for how to configure both the client and server is provided in the DataFlux Data Management Studio User's Guide and in the DataFlux Data Management Studio Installation and Configuration Guide. The configuration information refers to the Studio client, but the configuration process also needs to be applied to the DataFlux Data Management Server.
To run a particular job on the Data Management Server, you might need to complete the following tasks:
  • Configure a repository.
  • Configure the Java plug-in.
  • Set configuration options in the Data Management Server app.cfg file. A listing of app.cfg options is provided in the DataFlux Data Management Studio User's Guide.
  • Set configuration options in the DataFlux Data Management Server configuration file dmserver.cfg. For information about these configuration options, see Configuration Options Reference for dmserver.cfg.
In addition to transferring the Studio configuration to the DataFlux Data Management Server, you also need to consider the application of access controls to specify the users who will be permitted to run jobs and real-time services.