Configuration Options Reference for dmserver.cfg

Configuration Option
Specifies a default password that is submitted to the authenticating server (SAS Metadata Server or DataFlux Authentication Server) when you use issue the command dmpexec -a. This option is overridden when the dmpexec command provides a job-specific value. For more information, see Run Jobs with the dmpexec Command.
Specifies a default user name that is submitted to the authenticating server (SAS Metadata Server or DataFlux Authentication Server) when you use issue the command dmpexec -a.
Specifies the host name or IP address to which the DataFlux Data Management Server must bind for DFWSVC child process connections. The default value is localhost. For more information about binding to a host name or IP address, see the option DMSERVER/SOAP/LISTEN_HOST.
Specifies the port on which the DataFlux Data Management Server listens for connections from DFWSVC child processes. This option defaults to a dynamic available port. If this option is specified and you are running multiple instances of the server on the same machine, this port must be unique for the ports, both specified and default. For more information about the default ports, see DMSERVER/SOAP/LISTEN_PORT and DMSERVER/WLP/LISTEN_PORT.
Controls access to all SOAP requests based on the client's IP address. By default, access is enabled for all IP addresses. As shown in . $$$ Control Access by IP Address, a non-default value allows or denies access to specified IP addresses.
Allows or denies to specified IP addresses the ability to bypass all security checks on the DataFlux Data Management Server. This option is disabled by default.
Controls by IP address a client’s ability to submit SOAP post and delete requests. These controls restrict uploads and deletions of objects, such as jobs and services. This option is disabled by default.
Defines a retention period, in seconds, for the history items that are generated by batch and profile job run instances. After the completion of a job, and after the expiration of the specified time period, the DataFlux Data Management Server purges the job's history from memory. The server also deletes any corresponding log files and statistics files. If the DMSERVER/JOBS_KEEP_HISTORY=NO, then a history record is also deleted from history database.
The default value of the MAXAGE option is -1, which specifies that history items are never purged.
Note that jobs can delete their own log and statistics files by submitting the SOAP command DeleteJobLog .
A value of YES specifies that the histories of job run instances are retained across server restarts.
The default value is NO.
Specifies the path and directory that is used to store the log files that are generated for each run of a batch job or a profile job. This option enables you to separate your job run logs from other logs and other files that are generated by job runs. Separating the job run logs makes it easier to see the files that are used to collect job run statistics. Statistics can be collected by the Job Monitor plug-in SAS Environment Manager.
The default value of this option is specified by DMSERVER/WORK_ROOT_PATH, which specifies the storage location for all job-related logs and files.
Specifies the maximum number of batch and profile jobs that the DataFlux Data Management Server runs simultaneously. (Batch and profile jobs are counted against the same pool). The default value is 10. If a new job request exceeds the limit, and if DMSERVER/JOBS=YES, then the job request is placed in a queue. If DMSERVER/JOBS=NO, then an error message is displayed and the new job is not executed.
Allows or denies batch and profile jobs the ability to generate state files for their runs. The default value NO, which means that jobs are allowed to generate state files. A value of YES prevents the generation of state files. If your job is denied the ability to generate a state file, the server returns the SOAP Fault message State Generation Not Allowed.
Allows or denies the server the ability to queue batch and profile job run requests when the number of running jobs exceeds the value of the DMSERVER/JOBS_MAX_NUM option. A value of YES queues job run requests and sends clients a success response, as if the job had begun to run. As running jobs finish or are canceled, queued job run and the queue is cleared. This option does not apply to profile jobs. The default value is NO.
Specifies the location of the root directory for the jobs and services subdirectories. The default root directory is install-path\var. The subdirectories for jobs and services are: data services, process services, and batch jobs.
Controls the size of each log file or statistics file chunk that is sent to the client, in response to the getJobLog request. For a log file, this option controls the number of characters per chunk. For statistics files, this option controls the number of bytes per chunk. The default value is 512K.
Specifies the name of the metadata definition of the DataFlux Data Management Server that is stored on the SAS Metadata Server. When the DataFlux Data Management Server is started, it uses the name to query the SAS Metadata Server for configuration information.
When the option BASE/AUTH_SERVER_LOC in app.cfg identifies a SAS Metadata Server, the DataFlux Data Management Server retrieves and sets the following values:
If the SAS Metadata Server cannot locate a metadata definition based on the name, then the DataFlux Data Management Server does not start.
If any of the preceding options have values in the DataFlux Data Management Server’s dmservre.cfg file, then the local values override the values that are supplied in metadata. For this reason, it is recommended that you comment-out these options in dmserver.cfg.
To access the named metadata definition on the SAS Metadata Server, one of two conditions must be met. You can ensure that the process owner of the DataFlux Data Management Server has a user definition on the SAS Metadata Server. Otherwise, the named metadata definition needs to be available to the PUBLIC group.
This option is ignored when BASE/AUTH_SERVER_LOC identifies a DataFlux Authentication Server rather than a SAS Metadata Server.
This option is specified by default when the DataFlux Data Management Server is installed as part of SAS Visual Process Orchestration.
Specifies whether to create separate log subdirectories. The default value is NO, which means that all log files are created in subdirectories under the default directory, server_logs, or an alternate directory specified in the DMSERVER/WORK_ROOT_PATH option. The value YES should be applied only in special cases, as it creates numerous log files in a single directory. This single directory makes it difficult to determine which jobs and services log files belong to which server run instance and corresponding log file. Each run instance of each process (server, DFWFPROC, and DFWSVC) gets its own unique log file. Therefore, each new DataFlux Data Management Server run instance has to have its own log file, while pre-existing log files, if any, are renamed.
Enables or disables authorization and authentication on the DataFlux Data Management Server. This option also enables the use of extended encryption algorithms for stored passwords and IOM (TCP/IP) communication.
The default value NO specifies that SECURE configuration options are ignored. The value YES specifies that other configuration options are required to properly secure the server, including BASE/AUTH_SERVER_LOC.
When using a SAS Metadata Server for security, the value of this option is retrieved from metadata when you start the DataFlux Data Management Server. At start time, if the dmserver.cfg file contains a value for this option, then the local value overrides the metadata value. For this reason, it is recommended that you not enable this option in dmserver.cfg when using a SAS Metadata Server. For more information, see DMSERVER/NAME, DMSERVER/SOAP/SSL, and Configure SSL and AES.
For the groups that are listed in the value of this option, this option allows access by default to the server’s batch jobs and real-time services. This default is overridden when a batch job or real-time service has an access control list.
The groups in the list must be recognized by the authentication provider (SAS Metadata Server by default.) The group names in the list are case-sensitive. The users in the ALLOW groups cannot have a conflicting permission in any of the other three DEFAULT_ACE options. Name errors or permission conflicts generate error messages and prevent all users from connecting to the server.
In the list of groups, the delimiter is “ | ”, or space|space, as shown in this example:
For more information, see Manage Permissions.
For the groups that are listed in the value of this option, this option denies access by default to the server’s batch jobs and real-time services. This default is overridden when a batch job or real-time service has an access control list.
The groups in the list must be recognized by the authentication provider (SAS Metadata Server by default.) The group names in the list are case-sensitive. The users in the DENY groups cannot have a conflicting permission in any of the other three DEFAULT_ACE options. Name errors or permission conflicts generate error messages and prevent all users from connecting to the server.
In the list of groups, the delimiter is “ | ”, or space|space, as shown in this example:
DMSERVER/SECURE/DEFAULT_ACE_GROUPS_DENY = Administrators | Manufacturing | QualityControl
For more information, see Manage Permissions.
For the users that are listed in the value of this option, this option allows access by default to the server’s batch jobs and real-time services. This default is overridden when a batch job or real-time service has an access control list.
The users in the list must be recognized by the authentication provider (SAS Metadata Server by default. The user names in the list are case-sensitive. The users in the list cannot have a conflicting permission in any of the other three DEFAULT_ACE options.
In the list of users, the delimiter is “ | ”, or space|space, as shown in this example:
For more information, see Manage Permissions.
For the users that are listed in the value of this option, this option denies access by default to the server’s batch jobs and real-time services. This default is overridden when a batch job or real-time service has an access control list.
The users in the DENY list must be recognized by the authentication provider (SAS Metadata Server by default.) The user names in the list are case-sensitive. The users in the list cannot have a conflicting permission in any of the other three DEFAULT_ACE options.
In the list of users, the delimiter is “ | ”, or space|space, as shown in this example:
For more information, see Manage Permissions.
Specifies the name of the DataFlux Data Management Server administrator group. If this option is defined, the group must exist on the authenticating server (SAS Metadata Server or DataFlux Authentication Server.) An error message is generated at server invocation when the following conditions exist:
  • DMSERVER/SECURE/GRP_ADMIN is not defined
  • the group is not defined
Specifies the name of a non-administrative group, to provide access to the DataFlux Data Management Server for a few users and to exclude the rest. If this option is not set, all users are allowed in accordance with permissions and other configured options. The group must be defined by the same name on the authenticating server (SAS Metadata Server or DataFlux Authentication Server) before the group name can be applied as the value of this option.
Specifies the name of a non-administrative group, to provide access to the DataFlux Data Management Server for most users and to exclude a few users. If this option is not set, all users are allowed in accordance with permissions and other configured options. The group must be defined by the same name on the authenticating server (SAS Metadata Server or DataFlux Authentication Server) before the name can be applied as the value of this option..
Specifies the maximum size of the connection request queue. The queue size limit enables the SOAP server to refuse connection requests when it can no longer process them within an acceptable period of time. The default is 100.
Specifies the number of seconds to allow a DFWSVC process to remain idle before it is terminated. The default setting is 0 indicating that there is no time-out. Negative values are ignored.
Specifies the maximum number of instances of a given service job that can be loaded at any given time. When this limit is reached, the DataFlux Data Management Server will not load any more instances of that service job. The option value syntax is count:job_file_name.
Note: A whitespace character (' ') is used as a separator between potentially multiple entries. Therefore, the pathname of the services used in this option cannot contain whitespace characters.
Specifies the minimum number of instances of a given service job that must remain loaded. When this limit is reached, the DataFlux Data Management Server will not unload any more instances of that service job. The option value syntax is count:job_file_name.
Note: A whitespace character (' ') is used as a separator between potentially multiple entries. Therefore, the pathname of the services used in this option cannot contain whitespace characters.
Specifies the maximum number of service errors that can occur in a DFWSVC process before it is forced to terminate. The default is -1, meaning there is no limit.
Specifies the maximum number of real-time data services that the SOAP server is allowed to run simultaneously. The default is 10. If a new service request would exceed the limit, and if a queue is not enabled, then an error message is displayed. This option applies to the SOAP server, meaning that the service requests are coming from SOAP clients. This option does not apply to the WLP server or to requests from WLP clients.
Specifies the maximum number of service requests that a given instance of the DFWSVC process is allowed to handle before that instance of the DFWSVC process is forced to terminate. The default is -1, meaning that no limit is enforced..
Specifies the maximum number of seconds that a data service is allowed to run a job and produce a response (output data or an error). If a data service does not produce a response within the time limit, then the corresponding instance of the DFWSVC process is terminated. The client receives a SOAP Fault message. The default value is zero, which means that no time-out occurs. Negative values are ignored. Note that the time-out can vary by one or two seconds due to the rounding up of counts less than a second.
Specifies the number of instances of specified services that the DataFlux Data Management Server preloads during start-up. The option value syntax consists of one or more blank-separated instances of count:name-of-service. This option can be used with the option DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/PRELOAD_ALL. For more information, see Configure the Server to Pre-load Services.
Note: A whitespace character (' ') is used as a separator between potentially multiple entries. Therefore, the pathname of the services used in this option cannot contain whitespace characters.
Note: Dynamically generated WSDLs can execute preloaded data services.
Specifies that the DataFlux Data Management Server preload at server initialization a specified number of instances of all real-time data services, including those found in subdirectories. The value of the option must be an integer greater than zero. Otherwise, the option is ignored. This option can be used with DMSERVER/SOAP/DATA_SVC/PRELOAD.
Allows or denies the DataFlux Data Management Server the ability to start a separate thread to preload services and accept SOAP requests immediately during preload. By default, the value NO specifies that the server preloads services before it accepts SOAP requests. The value YES specifies that the server start a separate thread to preload services and accept SOAP request simultaneously. If the server stops while the preload thread is running, that thread is terminated.
Allows or denies the DataFlux Data Management Server the ability to queue requests for real-time data services. The default value NO indicates that service request generate a SOAP Fault error when all instances of the DFWSVC process are busy. The value YES indicates that the DataFlux Data Management Server queues service requests, and processes those requests when instances of the DFWSVC process become available.
Allows or denies the DataFlux Data Management Server the ability to ignore namespaces in SOAP requests. The default value NO specifies that NULL values in input data fields are passed to jobs as empty strings. The value YES causes the server to ignore namespaces in SOAP requests. This allows the SOAP server to preserve NULL values when receiving input data instead of converting the values to empty strings.
Specifies the host name or IP address to which the SOAP server must bind. A machine running DataFlux Data Management Server might be available on the network under different hostnames or IP addresses, and different machines on the network might have access to this machine via one host name or IP address, but not via others. By binding to a particular host name or IP address, the server hears only requests addressed specifically to that host name or IP address. A pair of hostnames and IP addresses can be used interchangeably. For example, if this option is set to localhost, local clients sending requests to will still be heard. However, requests to public IP address or the host name of the machine (or requests coming from external clients to the machine) will not be heard. By default, this option is left blank. That means the DataFlux Data Management Server is not bound to any specific host name or the IP address of the machine and will receive all requests that are coming to the machine, on the correct port.
Note: If the value for this option originates from the Metadata Server (when DMSERVER/NAME is configured) and you want to unset that value, then add this option to dmserver.cfg file. This is necessary when you want the DMServer to start and listen for all available interfaces (as if there was no value set for this option). In addition, leave the value empty after the = symbol.
Specifies the port on which the SOAP server listens for connections. The default value is 21036 when you use a DataFlux Authentication Server for security.
When you use a SAS Metadata Server for security, the DataFlux Data Management Server uses the DMSERVER/NAME option to retrieve from metadata the values of three configuration options, including LISTEN_PORT. If the SAS Metadata Server does not return a value for LISTEN_PORT, then the DataFlux Data Management Server does not start. If a value is returned, and if dmserver.cfg also contains a value for LISTEN_PORT, then the local value overrides the metadata value. For this reason, it is recommended that you not set LISTEN_PORT in dmserver.cfg when using a SAS Metadata Server. For more information, see DMSERVER/NAME and DMSERVER/SOAP/SSL.
Specifies the maximum number of real-time process services that the DataFlux Data Management Server runs simultaneously. The default is ten. If a new service request exceeds this limit, an error message is displayed.
Specifies the time-out value for Read and Write operations on a socket. Set a positive value to seconds, a negative value to microseconds, and no time-out to 0. If a non-0 value is set, a time-out occurs if no data can be sent or received within the specified time limit. The time-out count begins after the server initiates a send or receive operation over the socket. When a time-out occurs, a SOAP_EOF error is returned. The default value is zero seconds.
Specifies how real-time data service return null values in output fields. The default value NO specifies that empty strings are returned. The value YES specifies that NULLs are returned.
Enables or disables the use of SSL to protect SOAP communication. Encryption for SSL is also enabled, using algorithms that exceed the default SASProprietary.
The default value of this option is NO. Specify a value of YES to enables the following SSL configuration options:
When you use a SAS Metadata Server for security, the value of the DMSERVER/SOAP/SSL option is retrieved from metadata when you start the DataFlux Data Management Server. At start time, if the dmserver.cfg file contains a value for this option, then the local value overrides the metadata value. For this reason, it is recommended that you not specify a value for this option in dmserver.cfg.
When you use a DataFlux Authentication Server for security, specify a value of YES in dmserver.cfg to enable SSL.
For more information, see DMSERVER/NAME, DMSERVER/SECUREand Configure SSL and AES.
Specifies the file where the Certificates Authority stores trusted certificates. If this option is not needed, then comment it out.
Specifies the path to the directory where trusted certificates are stored. If this option is not needed, then comment it out.
Specifies the path to the key file that is required when the SOAP server authenticates clients. If this option is not used, then comment it out.
Specifies the password for DMSERVER/SOAP/SSL/KEY_FILE. If the key file is not password protected, then comment-out this option. The value of this option must be encrypted in order for the option to be recognized. To encrypt passwords, see Encrypt Passwords for DSNs and SSL.
Specify a value of YES to check every output string from all real-time services to make sure only valid XML characters are present. All control characters are replaced with a question mark (?). Control characters include integer values less that 32 (space), except 9 (tab), 10 (carriage return), and 13 (line feed). The default value is NO, for no XML validation. Setting this option will have a negative impact on performance of real-time services. In most installations, this option is not necessary.
Allows or denies the DataFlux Data Management Server the ability to load WSDLs when the server is initialized. Specify a value of YES to load existing WSDLs at start-up, recognize jobs that are started by runSVC requests (if matching WSDLs exist,) and to recognize other WSDL configuration options. The default value NO specifies that WSDLs are not used, runSVC requests are ignored, and other WSDL configuration option are ignored.
Enables or disables the generation of run-time WSDLs. The default value NO specifies that runSVC requests for run-time WSDL jobs will generate a SOAP Fault. Requests to upload jobs with run-time WSDLs are also ignored. The only WSDL jobs that run are those that have WSDLs that are preloaded at the invocation of the DataFlux Data Management Server.
The value SINGLE enables the generation of a single WSDL for each postJob request or genWSDL request for a single file.
The value MULTIPLE enables generation of multiple WSDLs for genWSDL requests that apply to multiple job files or to entire directories of jobs. Note that generating a WSDL can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive process, which depends on the parameters of the originating job. Also note that a request to generate WSDLs for all jobs under the root directory can cause a severe degradation in server performance. Specify the value MULTIPLE with caution.
Specifies how the DataFlux Data Management Server generates WSDLs for jobs that include run-time WSDLs. The value NO specifies that an error message is generated in response HTTP getWSDL requests when:
  • a WSDL does not exist on the server, or
  • the WSDL does exist on the server, but the mod.time timestamp in the server WSDL differs from the same value in the client WSDL.
The difference in mod.time values indicates that the client WSDL differs from the corresponding server WSDL.
The value YES indicates that the server responds to the preceding conditions by generating a new WSDL and sending the new WSDL to the client.
This option is valid only when the value of DMSERVER/SOAP/WSDL/GEN is SINGLE or MULTIPLE.
Allows or denies the server the ability to detect differences between the mod.time timestamps in the DataFlux Data Management Server WSDL and in the WSDL of the client that submits a service request. The default value NO indicates that the server responds to mod.time differences by sending the client the SOAP Fault message Job Has Changed. This message indicates to the client that the client needs to request the server to generate a new WSDL and send the new WSDL to the client. The client can then update its version of the WSDL.
The value YES specifies that the server does not compare mod.time values. Service requests are passed to a WLP process for execution. Note that this is the behavior of service requests based on generic WSDL.
Specifies the maximum number of threads that can be started by the DataFlux Data Management Server. The default value is 1026 threads. If the setting is too low, it is adjusted automatically. There is no setting for an unlimited number of threads. For optimal performance, configure the number of threads based on the expected number of parallel clients and requests.
Specifies the number of idle threads that can be kept open by the DataFlux Data Management Server. The default value of zero indicates that threads are terminated when they become idle. If that thread is needed again, it is restarted.
Specifies the number of microseconds before a thread is flagged as idle after the thread stops doing work. The default of zero indicates that threads are initially flagged as idle.
Enables or disables the execution of the WLP server. The default value NO specifies that the WLP server is bypassed at the invocation of the DataFlux Data Management Server. WLP clients then cannot connect to the DataFlux Data Management Server. (SOAP clients can still connect to the server.)
The value YES specifies that the WLP server starts and listens at its assigned port. The DataFlux Data Management Server log file will contain status entries for the WLP server.
Specifies the maximum number of real-time data services that the WLP server is allowed to run simultaneously. The default is 10. If a new service request exceeds this limit, an error message is sent to the requesting WLP client. This option does not apply to the SOAP server or requests coming from SOAP clients.
Specifies a host name or IP address to which the WLP server must bind. This specific binding prevents the WLP server from responding to requests that are sent to its port with a different host name or IP address. A pair of host names and IP addresses can be used interchangeably. For example, if the option value is localhost, then local clients sending requests to will still be heard. However, requests that are sent to a public IP address, to the host name of the machine, or those that come from external clients will not be heard. By default, this option is left blank, so that the WLP server is not bound to a specific host name or IP address. The WLP server responds to all requests that apply to the DataFlux Data Management Server host and to the port of the WLP server.
Specifies the port on which the WLP server listens for requests from WLP clients. If you are running multiple instances of the server on the same machine, then a unique port must be configured for each instance. The default port is 21037.
Specifies the root directory under which the DataFlux Data Management Server work and log subdirectories are created. Each time the server starts, a new work directory is created for that instance of the server. The name of this directory contains the server start-up date and time, as well as the corresponding process ID. The default directory is install-path\var\server_logs.