For a
multidimensional crosstabulation table, if you want any percent of
total items, then you also need the corresponding total or subtotal
items. For example, if you create a percent of row subtotal data item,
then you also need the row subtotals.
If you
have not already specified any necessary total or subtotal values,
then SAS Web Report Studio adds them automatically. For example, if
you have not yet specified any totals or subtotals when you create
a percent of row subtotal data item, then the
Row Subtotals option is already selected when you open the
Total dialog box.
If you
use the
Total dialog box to remove any totals
or subtotals, then any percent of total data items that depend on
these totals and subtotals are automatically removed. Before this
occurs, however, you see a warning and must confirm that you want
to remove the totals and subtotals.