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Authentication Mechanisms

Summary by Server Type

This table provides a high-level review of support for different authentication mechanisms. In the table, the following symbols indicate the extent to which each server can be accessed using each feature:

[full] Supported

[half] Supported for only direct connections (not metadata aware connections)

[slice] Intended for only administrators and some service identities

[dot] Used only for certain server-to-server communications

[empty] Not supported

Summary: How Servers Can be Accessed
Mechanism Server Type
Metadata Workspace OLAP Stored Process or Pooled Workspace Client-Pooled Workspace
Host authentication (credential-based)
Integrated Windows authentication
Web authentication
Direct LDAP authentication
Internal authentication
SAS token authentication
Trusted user
Trusted peer
1 For the client-pooled workspace server, user access depends on membership in a puddle group.

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