Initial Logging Configuration for SAS Servers

The following table shows the logging configuration that is created initially for each SAS server. For each server, the table displays the types of events that are written to each log destination.
Initial Logging Configuration for SAS Servers
Log Destination
Rolling Log File and SAS Management Console Log Tab
Operating System Facility
ARM Logging Facility
SAS Metadata Server
  • Admin, App, Audit, and IOM events (INFO, WARN, ERROR, and FATAL)
  • all other events with a level of ERROR or FATAL
SAS object spawner
  • App, Audit, and IOM events (INFO, WARN, ERROR, and FATAL)
  • all other events with a level of ERROR or FATAL
Admin events (INFO, WARN, ERROR, or FATAL)
  • Admin events (ERROR and FATAL)
  • App, Audit, and IOM events (INFO, WARN, ERROR, and FATAL)
Admin.Operation events (ERROR and FATAL)
Performance-related events to support cube testing and tuning (captured in a log file if the logging level is modified). See Collecting ARM Log Information in SAS OLAP Servers.
SAS Pooled Workspace Server
  • Admin events (ERROR and FATAL)
  • App, Audit, and IOM events (INFO, WARN, ERROR, and FATAL)
  • App.Program events (ERROR and FATAL)
  • all other events with a level of ERROR or FATAL
Events are sent only to the rolling log file.
SAS Stored Process Server
  • Admin events (ERROR and FATAL)
  • App, Audit, and IOM events (INFO, WARN, ERROR, and FATAL)
  • App.Program events (FATAL)
  • all other events with a level of ERROR or FATAL
SAS Framework Data Server
  • Admin events (ERROR or FATAL)
  • App, Audit, and IOM events (INFO, WARN, ERROR, and FATAL)
  • all other events with a level of ERROR or FATAL
SAS Workspace Servers
Admin.Operation events (ERROR and FATAL)
Performance-related events (available for display in SAS Data Integration Studio)
SAS DATA step batch server
App events (INFO, WARN, ERROR, and FATAL)
Admin.Session events (ERROR and FATAL)
Performance-related events (captured in a log file if the server configuration is modified). See Collecting ARM Log Information for SAS Data Integration Studio Jobs.
Admin.Session events (INFO, WARN, ERROR, and FATAL)
Performance-related events (available for display in SAS Data Integration Studio)
The log destinations that are shown in the preceding table are configured as follows:
Rolling log files
For metadata servers, object spawners, OLAP servers, pooled workspace servers, stored process servers, and framework data servers, the logging configuration file includes a definition of RollingFileAppender. This appender routes events to a rolling log file, which is configured as follows:
  • A new log file is created when the date changes and when a new server or spawner process is started.
  • Events are written using a layout that includes the following information:
    • the event date and time
    • the logging level
    • the thread identifier (in brackets)
    • the client ID
    • the user identity that is associated with the current thread or task
    • the generated message, preceded by a hyphen
    Here is an example of a metadata server event that was created with the specified layout:
    2008-10-15T11:42:49,294 INFO [00005671] User123@D1234 - Server paused. Mode: OFFLINE
  • The rolling log files are named server-type_current-date_process-id.log.
    For example, events for metadata server process 6188 on October 12, 2008, are written to a file called MetadataServer_2008-10-12_6188.log.
  • As a default, the rolling log files are placed in the path server-configuration-directory/Logs. For example, log files for the metadata server are written to the following path:
    For a list of default log locations for servers and spawners, see Default Locations for Server Logs.
    Note: In a custom installation, you can choose to place all of your log files in a single directory. If this option was selected, then your log files are written to the path that was specified during installation (for example, SAS-configuration-directory/Lev1/Logs).
  • The log files include a header that identifies the server's host machine, operating system, operating system release number, SAS release number, and server start-up command.
  • The workspace server is not initially configured to create a rolling log file. If you need to create a rolling log file for this server for troubleshooting purposes, see Create a Log File for Workspace Server Troubleshooting.
SAS Management Console (Log tab)
For metadata servers, object spawners, OLAP servers, stored process servers, and framework data servers, the logging configuration files include an IOMServerAppender definition. This appender routes events to the Log tab in SAS Management Console and displays them using the same layout that is used for the rolling files.
For information about viewing logs in SAS Management Console, see Use the Server Manager Tabs to Obtain Monitoring Information and to Adjust Logging Levels (If Needed).
Do not modify the message layout in the IOMServerAppender definitions that are provided in default logging configuration files. Modifying the layout will result in unpredictable behavior.
However, you can adjust the number of messages that are captured by changing the value for the MAXENTRIES parameter.
Operating system facilities
For object spawners, OLAP servers, workspace servers, DATA step batch servers, and SAS/CONNECT servers, the logging configuration files include definitions of system facility appenders (WindowsEventAppender, UNIXFacilityAppender, or ZOSFacilityAppender). These appenders route events to the appropriate operating system facility.
The layout for these events includes the system date and time and the message text.
ARM logging facility
The logging configuration files for the following servers include definitions of ARMAppender, which collects performance-related events that can be processed by an ARM 4.0 server.
  • Workspace servers and SAS/CONNECT servers. The logging configuration files for these servers include definitions of sLogAppender. This appender is configured to make performance-related events that are collected by ARMAppender available for display in SAS Data Integration Studio. You do not need to make any configuration changes to enable capture of these events.
    Do not modify sLogAppender or ARMAppender definitions that are provided in default logging configuration files. Modifying these definitions will result in unpredictable behavior. Because sLogAppender is a reserved class, you should not define new instances of this appender.
  • OLAP servers and DATA step batch servers. To enable the capture of ARM events for these servers, you must make configuration changes. See Collecting ARM Log Information in SAS OLAP Servers and Collecting ARM Log Information for SAS Data Integration Studio Jobs.
For more information, see the SAS Interface to Application Response Measurement (ARM): Reference.