Step 4: Complete Manual Migration Steps

In this step, you manually perform certain migration tasks that are not performed by the SAS Deployment Wizard. Refer to the following sources for information about manual steps that might be required to complete the migration:
The manual steps include tasks such as the following:
  • Create new connection profiles for the new environment. For same-machine migrations, profile names should include the level number so that users will select the correct profile when logging on.
  • Copy physical files such as data tables, deployed jobs, and stored process source files to the new environment. (These files are copied automatically only if they are stored in the configuration directory.)
    Then modify the path information for these files. Use SAS Management Console to modify path locations for libraries, stored process repositories, and deployment directories. Use SAS OLAP Cube Studio to modify physical paths for cubes. Use SAS Data Integration Studio to modify file references that are stored in jobs or job flows.
  • Rebuild cubes if necessary.
  • Manually apply any needed customizations to autoexec and configuration files for SAS servers.
Note: In a SAS 9.3 to SAS 9.3 migration, it is generally not necessary to run the Authorization Differences Reports.
For details about these and other manual tasks, see the following topics: