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Reference: Configuration Directories

Contents of the Metadata Server Subdirectory (SASMeta)

On the machines where the metadata server is installed, the Levn directory includes a subdirectory for the metadata server's files and for components of the metadata utility SAS Application Server. SASMeta is the name that the SAS Deployment Wizard assigns to the metadata server context and, in turn, to this directory.

The SASMeta directory contains the following items:

The following table lists the contents of the MetadataServer subdirectory. For more information about the metadata server configuration files, see Configuration Files for the Metadata Server.

Subdirectory or File Description
Contains the data set for the metadata server journal. For details, see Configuring Metadata Server Journaling.
Is the default location for metadata server logs.
Contains subdirectories for each metadata repository. These subdirectories contain the SAS data sets that contain your metadata.
Contains data sets for the repository manager.
Is a SAS library that can be used to store SAS catalogs that enable you to tailor certain features of SAS to meet specific needs. SAS assigns the SASUSER library at invocation.
adminUsers.txt, trustedUsers.txt, and trustedPeers.xml Contain security-related configuration information (see About the Security-Related Configuration Files). and Are programs that are invoked by MetadataServer.bat or when the backup and restore options are used. These programs use the %OMABAKUP macro to pause the metadata server and copy your metadata server files. For details, see Running the and Programs.
logconfig.xml Specifies the logging configuration for the metadata server. For details, see Administering Logging for SAS Servers.
MetadataServer.bat or, Is a script that is used to stop, start, pause, resume, or report the status of the metadata server.
MetadataServer.srv On UNIX and z/OS, contains information that is used by to regenerate the sas.servers script.
MetadataServerSSCU.ini Configures the metadata server service in the Windows Services Manager.
MetadataServer_shortcuts.ini Configures shortcuts for the Windows Start menu. Contains user credentials that can be used to execute SAS sessions that include PROC METAOPERATE, PROC METADATA, or &OMABAKUP.
omaconfig.xml Is the SAS Metadata Server configuration file.,,, and Are programs that are invoked by MetadataServer.bat or when the pause, resume, status, and stop options are used.
sasv9.cfg Specifies SAS options that are put into effect when the metadata server is started.
sasv9_usermods.cfg Contains user modifications to the SAS options that are specified in sasv9.cfg.

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