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Using the Promotion Tools

Overview of Promotion Tools

About the Promotion Tools

Promotion is the process of copying selected metadata and associated content within or between planned deployments of SAS software. This process is repeatable for a particular deployment.

The SAS Intelligence Platform provides tools that enable you to promote individual metadata objects or groups of objects from one metadata server to another, or from one location to another on the same metadata server. You can also promote the physical files that are associated with the metadata.

The promotion tools include the following:

The promotion tools support the following types of scenarios:

The following table shows the types of objects that you can promote:


Types of Objects That Can Be Promoted


Burst definitions



Condition action sets

Content subscribers

Content subscriber groups


Dashboard objects*

Data explorations

Deployed flows

Deployed jobs


Event subscribers

Event subscriber groups

External files


Generated transformations

Information maps



Message queues

Mining results


OLAP schemas


Prompt groups

Queue managers


Report components

Report images

SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office documents

SAS Enterprise Guide projects

Stored processes


Web services

* Dashboard objects (including dashboards, indicators, indicator data, ranges, indicator configurations, and dashboard components) can be promoted effective with the November 2010 release. However, these objects cannot be promoted within the same metadata server. For additional special considerations, see "Promoting SAS BI Dashboard 4.3 Content" in the SAS Intelligence Platform: Web Application Administration Guide.

Overview of the Promotion Process

Promotion is a three-step process:

Three-step Promotion Process

[Diagram of three-step promotion process]

The package format is the same regardless of whether the package is created in SAS Management Console, in SAS Data Integration Studio, in SAS OLAP Cube Studio, or by the batch export tool. In addition, the package format is the same regardless of the host machine's operating system. Therefore, packages can be interchanged as follows:

Selective Promotion

The Export SAS Package and the Import SAS Package wizards (and the batch export and import tools) provide the following options for specifying which objects are to be exported and imported:

Promotion of Content Along With Metadata

For most object types, the Export SAS Package and Import SAS Package wizards (and the batch export and import tools) promote both the content and the metadata. When you use the batch tools, the promotion automatically includes all associated content except tables and external files. When you use the wizards, you can choose whether to include or exclude some of the content types.

The following table lists the types of content that are exported and imported with metadata objects.

Promotion of Content with Metadata Objects
Object Associated Content Promotion Details
Channel Packages published to the channel's archive or WebDAV location Associated content is always promoted with batch tools and is optionally promoted with wizards.
Cube Cube header files, MOLAP aggregation tables, drill-through tables, and ROLAP aggregation tables Associated content is not promoted. For details about moving these files, see the SAS OLAP Server: User's Guide.
External file Physical file Associated content is not promoted with batch tools and is optionally promoted with wizards.
External format file (EFF) Associated content is not promoted with batch tools and is optionally promoted with wizards.
Job Custom code, preprocesses, and postprocesses. Associated content is always promoted.
Library XML files and XML maps that are contained in the library Associated content is always promoted with batch tools and is optionally promoted with wizards.
Prompt Physical files that are associated with File or directory prompts Associated content is not promoted. For details, see Create Directories and Move Physical Files for Prompts.
Report XML (.srx) file that defines the report Associated content is always promoted. The target is the path on the SAS Content Server or file system that is mapped to the target metadata folder via content mapping.
Stored process Source code (.sas) file Associated content is optionally promoted with the wizards and is always promoted with the batch tools. The target is the source code repository that you designate in the wizard dialog box. If the repository definition does not exist on the target system, the Import SAS Package wizard allows you to add it.

When you use the batch import tool, you can use the substitution file to designate the source code repository and to specify that the repository definition is to be created if it does not exist.

Table Physical table Associated content is not promoted with the batch tools and is optionally promoted with the wizards.

Use this option with small data sets only. Since data sets are packaged in the .spk file, large data sets could require lengthy processing times.

If the promotion of an object's associated content is optional, information about the associated content is displayed in the wizard's Options tab. In the following example, a stored process object is highlighted, and the Options tab displays a check box for including the source code with the stored process. The check box is selected by default.

[Export Wizard screen with Options tab displayed]

When you export or import a table or an external file, the option to include the content is not selected by default.

Restoration of Metadata Associations

Depending on the types of objects that you are importing, you might need to establish associations with the following objects and entities on the target system:

You can choose to restore the same metadata associations that were established in the source environment, or you can establish different associations.

The Import SAS Package wizard displays prompts that assist you in associating imported objects with the appropriate objects and entities in the target environment. If you are using the batch tools, then you can specify the associations in the substitution properties file (see Using the Substitution Properties File).

Optional Promotion of Access Controls

You can include direct assignments of access control entries (ACEs) and access control templates (ACTs) in the promotion process. The following limitations apply to the promotion of access controls using the Export SAS Package and Import SAS Package wizards and the batch export and import tools:

If you do not specify that you want to include access controls in the promotion process, then access controls are applied as follows:

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