
The SAS BI Dashboard uses data models to define data that is used in indicators. The core object is the indicator, and a dashboard is just a collection of indicators. An indicator never has more than one data model (and is rarely used without a query). The data model is an abstraction layer for the query. Access to four types of data sources is supplied with the SAS BI Dashboard:
  • SAS data set, which can access relational data
  • SAS Information Maps, which can access relational data and OLAP cubes
  • SAS metadata tables, which can access data in a SAS data set that is registered in SAS metadata
  • scorecards, which can access scorecard values directly from SAS Strategic Performance Management
    Note: The SAS BI Dashboard administrator can add access to other data sources.
Before you create a dashboard, you must understand how to create a data model. Understanding the data flow in the SAS BI Dashboard is the key to building enterprise dashboards that operate efficiently within your organization’s Business Intelligence system.
Unlike the flow of data in a report (which is usually relatively simple), the flow of data in a dashboard can be very different. Consider the dashboard in your car. Although you see a single representation of the state of the car, the state is actually a collection of different types of data received by the dashboard. The fuel gauge receives data from the fuel tank, the speedometer receives data from the wheels, the battery gauge receives data from the battery, and so on. Like your car’s dashboard, a SAS BI Dashboard can have disparate data sources.
Whereas a report created with SAS Web Report Studio might fill several screens with data from a single information map, a dashboard might render data in a small display that is the result of SQL/JDBC queries, information maps, and SAS Strategic Performance Management scorecards. A dashboard can also render the output of stored processes. Here is an example of a portal page that contains three dashboards that use different data sources:
Example of a portal page that contains three dashboards that use different data sources
In the dashboard across the top, there are six indicators, each with its own data model underneath. These indicators are driven by six different SQL queries, but the data models could be all information maps, all scorecards, or some combination of these types.
Notice that the data models for the first four indicators and the last one return only one row of data. The best way to represent a single row of data is a gauge. Each of these indicators shows a different type of gauge.
The data model for the fifth indicator returns several rows of data. The best way to represent multiple rows of data is a graph, in this case a line graph. The dashboard in the lower left corner contains a single indicator that is driven by a query that returns eleven rows of data. The values in the Profit Margin data field drive the bar and trend display.
The dashboard in the lower right corner contains two indicators. The indicator on the left renders ten rows of data (one for each region) as a bar graph. Two columns are rendered: Sales YTD targeted as the bar height and Sales Quota YTD as the target line. A third computed column, Relative To Forecast, controls the bar color. This indicator is driven by an information map.
The last indicator, the US Sales Pipeline Map, contains output generated from a stored process. For more information, see Graph Display.
By using information maps and SQL queries to retrieve data, you are unconstrained with how the data is laid out at the data set level. For example, you can use computed columns and grouping in the data model. After you have the data configured, the lack of constraints helps you to get initial dashboards up and running quickly. But this same simplicity means that data structure is not enforced.