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Concatenating SAS Data Sets |
Understanding the SET Statement |
The SET statement reads observations from one or more SAS data sets and uses them to build a new data set.
The SET statement for concatenating data sets has the following form:
SET SAS-data-set(s); |
is two or more SAS data sets to concatenate. The observations from the first data set that you name in the SET statement appear first in the new data set. The observations from the second data set follow those from the first data set, and so on. The list can contain any number of data sets.
Using the SET Statement: The Simplest Case |
In the simplest situation, the data sets that you concatenate contain the same variables (variables with the same name). In addition, the type, length, informat, format, and label of each variable match across all data sets. In this case, SAS copies all observations from the first data set into the new data set, then copies all observations from the second data set into the new data set, and so on. Each observation is an exact copy of the original.
In the following example, a company that uses SAS to maintain personnel records for six separate departments decided to combine all personnel records. Two departments, Sales and Customer Support, store their data in the same form. Each observation in both data sets contains values for these variables:
The following program creates the SAS data sets SALES and CUSTOMER_SUPPORT:
options pagesize=60 linesize=80 pageno=1 nodate; data sales; input EmployeeID $ 1-9 Name $ 11-29 @30 HireDate date9. Salary HomePhone $; format HireDate date9.; datalines; 429685482 Martin, Virginia 09aug1990 34800 493-0824 244967839 Singleton, MaryAnn 24apr1995 27900 929-2623 996740216 Leighton, Maurice 16dec1993 32600 933-6908 675443925 Freuler, Carl 15feb1998 29900 493-3993 845729308 Cage, Merce 19oct1992 39800 286-0519 ; proc print data=sales; title 'Sales Department Employees'; run; data customer_support; input EmployeeID $ 1-9 Name $ 11-29 @30 HireDate date9. Salary HomePhone $; format HireDate date9.; datalines; 324987451 Sayre, Jay 15nov1994 44800 933-2998 596771321 Tolson, Andrew 18mar1998 41200 929-4800 477562122 Jensen, Helga 01feb1991 47400 286-2816 894724859 Kulenic, Marie 24jun1993 41400 493-1472 988427431 Zweerink, Anna 07jul1995 43700 929-3885 ; proc print data=customer_support; title 'Customer Support Department Employees'; run;
The following output shows the results of both DATA steps:
Sales Department Employees 1 Employee Home Obs ID Name HireDate Salary Phone 1 429685482 Martin, Virginia 09AUG1990 34800 493-0824 2 244967839 Singleton, MaryAnn 24APR1995 27900 929-2623 3 996740216 Leighton, Maurice 16DEC1993 32600 933-6908 4 675443925 Freuler, Carl 15FEB1998 29900 493-3993 5 845729308 Cage, Merce 19OCT1992 39800 286-0519
Customer Support Department Employees 2 Employee Home Obs ID Name HireDate Salary Phone 1 324987451 Sayre, Jay 15NOV1994 44800 933-2998 2 596771321 Tolson, Andrew 18MAR1998 41200 929-4800 3 477562122 Jensen, Helga 01FEB1991 47400 286-2816 4 894724859 Kulenic, Marie 24JUN1993 41400 493-1472 5 988427431 Zweerink, Anna 07JUL1995 43700 929-3885
To concatenate the two data sets, list them in the SET statement. Use the PRINT procedure to display the resulting DEPT1_2 data set.
options pagesize=60 linesize=80 pageno=1 nodate; data dept1_2; set sales customer_support; run; proc print data=dept1_2; title 'Employees in Sales and Customer Support Departments'; run;
The following output shows the new DEPT1_2 data set. The data set contains all observations from SALES followed by all observations from CUSTOMER_SUPPORT:
The Concatenated DEPT1_2 Data Set
Employees in Sales and Customer Support Departments 1 Employee Home Obs ID Name HireDate Salary Phone 1 429685482 Martin, Virginia 09AUG1990 34800 493-0824 2 244967839 Singleton, MaryAnn 24APR1995 27900 929-2623 3 996740216 Leighton, Maurice 16DEC1993 32600 933-6908 4 675443925 Freuler, Carl 15FEB1998 29900 493-3993 5 845729308 Cage, Merce 19OCT1992 39800 286-0519 6 324987451 Sayre, Jay 15NOV1994 44800 933-2998 7 596771321 Tolson, Andrew 18MAR1998 41200 929-4800 8 477562122 Jensen, Helga 01FEB1991 47400 286-2816 9 894724859 Kulenic, Marie 24JUN1993 41400 493-1472 10 988427431 Zweerink, Anna 07JUL1995 43700 929-3885
Using the SET Statement When Data Sets Contain Different Variables |
The two data sets in the previous example contain the same variables, and each variable is defined the same way in both data sets. However, you might want to concatenate data sets when not all variables are common to the data sets that are named in the SET statement. In this case, each observation in the new data set includes all variables from the SAS data sets that are named in the SET statement.
The examples in this section show the SECURITY data set, and the concatenation of this data set to the SALES and the CUSTOMER_SUPPORT data sets. Not all variables are common to the three data sets. The personnel records for the Security department do not include the variable HomePhone, and do include the new variable Gender, which does not appear in the SALES or the CUSTOMER_SUPPORT data sets.
The following program creates the SECURITY data set:
options pagesize=60 linesize=80 pageno=1 nodate; data security; input EmployeeID $ 1-9 Name $ 11-29 Gender $ 30 @32 HireDate date9. Salary; format HireDate date9.; datalines; 744289612 Saparilas, Theresa F 09may1998 33400 824904032 Brosnihan, Dylan M 04jan1992 38200 242779184 Chao, Daeyong M 28sep1995 37500 544382887 Slifkin, Leah F 24jul1994 45000 933476520 Perry, Marguerite F 19apr1992 39900 ;
proc print data=security; title 'Security Department Employees'; run;
The following output shows the results:
Security Department Employees 1 Employee Obs ID Name Gender HireDate Salary 1 744289612 Saparilas, Theresa F 09MAY1998 33400 2 824904032 Brosnihan, Dylan M 04JAN1992 38200 3 242779184 Chao, Daeyong M 28SEP1995 37500 4 544382887 Slifkin, Leah F 24JUL1994 45000 5 933476520 Perry, Marguerite F 19APR1992 39900
The following program concatenates the SALES, CUSTOMER_SUPPORT, and SECURITY data sets, and creates the new data set, DEPT1_3:
options pagesize=60 linesize=80 pageno=1 nodate; data dept1_3; set sales customer_support security; run;
proc print data=dept1_3; title 'Employees in Sales, Customer Support,'; title2 'and Security Departments'; run;
The following output shows the results:
The Concatenated DEPT1_3 Data Set
Employees in Sales, Customer Support, 1 and Security Departments Employee Home Obs ID Name HireDate Salary Phone Gender 1 429685482 Martin, Virginia 09AUG1990 34800 493-0824 2 244967839 Singleton, MaryAnn 24APR1995 27900 929-2623 3 996740216 Leighton, Maurice 16DEC1993 32600 933-6908 4 675443925 Freuler, Carl 15FEB1998 29900 493-3993 5 845729308 Cage, Merce 19OCT1992 39800 286-0519 6 324987451 Sayre, Jay 15NOV1994 44800 933-2998 7 596771321 Tolson, Andrew 18MAR1998 41200 929-4800 8 477562122 Jensen, Helga 01FEB1991 47400 286-2816 9 894724859 Kulenic, Marie 24JUN1993 41400 493-1472 10 988427431 Zweerink, Anna 07JUL1995 43700 929-3885 11 744289612 Saparilas, Theresa 09MAY1998 33400 F 12 824904032 Brosnihan, Dylan 04JAN1992 38200 M 13 242779184 Chao, Daeyong 28SEP1995 37500 M 14 544382887 Slifkin, Leah 24JUL1994 45000 F 15 933476520 Perry, Marguerite 19APR1992 39900 F
All observations in the data set DEPT1_3 have values for both the variable Gender and the variable HomePhone. Observations from data sets SALES and CUSTOMER_SUPPORT, the data sets that do not contain the variable Gender, have missing values for Gender (indicated by blanks under the variable name). Observations from SECURITY, the data set that does not contain the variable HomePhone, have missing values for HomePhone (indicated by blanks under the variable name).
Using the SET Statement When Variables Have Different Attributes |
Each variable in a SAS data set can have as many as six attributes that are associated with it. These attributes are
If the data sets that you name in the SET statement contain variables with the same names and types, then you can concatenate the data sets without modification. However, if variable types differ, then you must modify one or more data sets before concatenating them. When lengths, formats, informats, or labels differ, you might want to modify one or more data sets before proceeding.
If a variable is defined as a character variable in one data set that is named in the SET statement, and as a numeric variable in another, then SAS issues an error message and does not concatenate the data sets.
In the following example, the Accounting department in the company treats the employee identification number (EmployeeID) as a numeric variable, whereas all other departments treat it as a character variable.
The following program creates the ACCOUNTING data set:
options pagesize=60 linesize=80 pageno=1 nodate; data accounting; input EmployeeID 1-9 Name $ 11-29 Gender $ 30 @32 HireDate date9. Salary; format HireDate date9.; datalines; 634875680 Gardinski, Barbara F 29may1998 49800 824576630 Robertson, Hannah F 14mar1995 52700 744826703 Gresham, Jean F 28apr1992 54000 824447605 Kruize, Ronald M 23may1994 49200 988674342 Linzer, Fritz M 23jul1992 50400 ;
proc print data=accounting; title 'Accounting Department Employees'; run;
The following output shows the results:
Accounting Department Employees 1 Employee Obs ID Name Gender HireDate Salary 1 634875680 Gardinski, Barbara F 29MAY1998 49800 2 824576630 Robertson, Hannah F 14MAR1995 52700 3 744826703 Gresham, Jean F 28APR1992 54000 4 824447605 Kruize, Ronald M 23MAY1994 49200 5 988674342 Linzer, Fritz M 23JUL1992 50400
The following program attempts to concatenate the data sets for all four departments:
data dept1_4; set sales customer_support security accounting; run;
The program fails because of the difference in variable type among the four departments, and SAS writes the following error message to the log:
ERROR: Variable EmployeeID has been defined as both character and numeric.
One way to correct the error in the previous example is to change the type of the variable EmployeeID in ACCOUNTING from numeric to character. Because performing calculations on employee identification numbers is unlikely, EmployeeID can be a character variable.
To change the type of the variable EmployeeID, you can
re-create the data set, changing the INPUT statement so that it identifies EmployeeID as a character variable
use the PUT function to create a new variable, and data set options to rename and drop variables.
The following program uses the PUT function and data set options to change the variable type of EmployeeID from numeric to character:
options pagesize=60 linesize=80 pageno=1 nodate; data new_accounting (rename=(TempVar=EmployeeID)drop=EmployeeID); 1 set accounting; 2 TempVar=put(EmployeeID, 9.); 3 run; proc datasets library=work; 4 contents data=new_accounting; run;
The following list corresponds to the numbered items in the preceding program:
The following output shows a partial listing from PROC DATASETS:
-----Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes-----
# Variable Type Len Pos Format
5 EmployeeID Char 9 36
2 Gender Char 1 35
3 HireDate Num 8 0 DATE9.
1 Name Char 19 16
4 Salary Num 8 8
Now that the types of all variables match, you can easily concatenate all four data sets using the following program:
options pagesize=60 linesize=80 pageno=1 nodate; data dept1_4; set sales customer_support security new_accounting; run;
proc print data=dept1_4; title 'Employees in Sales, Customer Support, Security,'; title2 'and Accounting Departments'; run;
The following output shows the results:
The Concatenated DEPT1_4 Data Set
Employees in Sales, Customer Support, Security, 1 and Accounting Departments Employee Home Obs ID Name HireDate Salary Phone Gender 1 429685482 Martin, Virginia 09AUG1990 34800 493-0824 2 244967839 Singleton, MaryAnn 24APR1995 27900 929-2623 3 996740216 Leighton, Maurice 16DEC1993 32600 933-6908 4 675443925 Freuler, Carl 15FEB1998 29900 493-3993 5 845729308 Cage, Merce 19OCT1992 39800 286-0519 6 324987451 Sayre, Jay 15NOV1994 44800 933-2998 7 596771321 Tolson, Andrew 18MAR1998 41200 929-4800 8 477562122 Jensen, Helga 01FEB1991 47400 286-2816 9 894724859 Kulenic, Marie 24JUN1993 41400 493-1472 10 988427431 Zweerink, Anna 07JUL1995 43700 929-3885 11 744289612 Saparilas, Theresa 09MAY1998 33400 F 12 824904032 Brosnihan, Dylan 04JAN1992 38200 M 13 242779184 Chao, Daeyong 28SEP1995 37500 M 14 544382887 Slifkin, Leah 24JUL1994 45000 F 15 933476520 Perry, Marguerite 19APR1992 39900 F 16 634875680 Gardinski, Barbara 29MAY1998 49800 F 17 824576630 Robertson, Hannah 14MAR1995 52700 F 18 744826703 Gresham, Jean 28APR1992 54000 F 19 824447605 Kruize, Ronald 23MAY1994 49200 M 20 988674342 Linzer, Fritz 23JUL1992 50400 M
When you concatenate data sets with the SET statement, the following rules determine which formats, informats, and labels are associated with variables in the new data set.
An explicitly defined format, informat, or label overrides a default, regardless of the position of the data sets in the SET statement.
If two or more data sets explicitly define different formats, informats, or labels for the same variable, then the variable in the new data set assumes the attribute from the first data set in the SET statement that explicitly defines that attribute.
Returning to the examples, you may have noticed that the DATA steps that created the SALES, CUSTOMER_SUPPORT, SECURITY, and ACCOUNTING data sets use a FORMAT statement to explicitly assign a format of DATE9. to the variable HireDate. Therefore, although HireDate is a numeric variable, it appears in all displays as DDMMMYYYY (for example, 13DEC2000). The SHIPPING data set that is created in the following example, however, uses a format of DATE7. for HireDate. The DATE7. format displays as DDMMMYY (for example, 13DEC00).
In addition, the SALES, CUSTOMER_SUPPORT, SECURITY, and ACCOUNTING data sets contain a default format for Salary, whereas the SHIPPING data set contains an explicitly defined format, COMMA6., for the same variable. The COMMA6. format inserts a comma in the appropriate place when SAS displays the numeric variable Salary.
The following program creates the data set for the Shipping department:
options pagesize=60 linesize=80 pageno=1 nodate; data shipping; input employeeID $ 1-9 Name $ 11-29 Gender $ 30 @32 HireDate date9. @42 Salary; format HireDate date7. Salary comma6.; datalines; 688774609 Carlton, Susan F 28jan1995 29200 922448328 Hoffmann, Gerald M 12oct1997 27600 544909752 DePuis, David M 23aug1994 32900 745609821 Hahn, Kenneth M 23aug1994 33300 634774295 Landau, Jennifer F 30apr1996 32900 ;
proc print data=shipping; title 'Shipping Department Employees'; run;
The following output shows the results:
Shipping Department Employees 1 employee Hire Obs ID Name Gender Date Salary 1 688774609 Carlton, Susan F 28JAN95 29,200 2 922448328 Hoffmann, Gerald M 12OCT97 27,600 3 544909752 DePuis, David M 23AUG94 32,900 4 745609821 Hahn, Kenneth M 23AUG94 33,300 5 634774295 Landau, Jennifer F 30APR96 32,900
Now consider what happens when you concatenate SHIPPING with the previous four data sets.
options pagesize=60 linesize=80 pageno=1 nodate; data dept1_5; set sales customer_support security new_accounting shipping; run;
proc print data=dept1_5; title 'Employees in Sales, Customer Support, Security,'; title2 'Accounting, and Shipping Departments'; run;
The following output shows the results:
The DEPT1_5 Data Set: Concatenation of Five Data Sets
Employees in Sales, Customer Support, Security, 1 Accounting, and Shipping Departments Employee Home Obs ID Name HireDate Salary Phone Gender 1 429685482 Martin, Virginia 09AUG1990 34,800 493-0824 2 244967839 Singleton, MaryAnn 24APR1995 27,900 929-2623 3 996740216 Leighton, Maurice 16DEC1993 32,600 933-6908 4 675443925 Freuler, Carl 15FEB1998 29,900 493-3993 5 845729308 Cage, Merce 19OCT1992 39,800 286-0519 6 324987451 Sayre, Jay 15NOV1994 44,800 933-2998 7 596771321 Tolson, Andrew 18MAR1998 41,200 929-4800 8 477562122 Jensen, Helga 01FEB1991 47,400 286-2816 9 894724859 Kulenic, Marie 24JUN1993 41,400 493-1472 10 988427431 Zweerink, Anna 07JUL1995 43,700 929-3885 11 744289612 Saparilas, Theresa 09MAY1998 33,400 F 12 824904032 Brosnihan, Dylan 04JAN1992 38,200 M 13 242779184 Chao, Daeyong 28SEP1995 37,500 M 14 544382887 Slifkin, Leah 24JUL1994 45,000 F 15 933476520 Perry, Marguerite 19APR1992 39,900 F 16 634875680 Gardinski, Barbara 29MAY1998 49,800 F 17 824576630 Robertson, Hannah 14MAR1995 52,700 F 18 744826703 Gresham, Jean 28APR1992 54,000 F 19 824447605 Kruize, Ronald 23MAY1994 49,200 M 20 988674342 Linzer, Fritz 23JUL1992 50,400 M 21 688774609 Carlton, Susan 28JAN1995 29,200 F 22 922448328 Hoffmann, Gerald 12OCT1997 27,600 M 23 544909752 DePuis, David 23AUG1994 32,900 M 24 745609821 Hahn, Kenneth 23AUG1994 33,300 M 25 634774295 Landau, Jennifer 30APR1996 32,900 F
In this concatenation, the input data sets contain the variable HireDate, which was explicitly defined using two different formats. The data sets also contain the variable Salary, which has both a default and an explicit format. You can see from the output that SAS creates the new data set according to the rules mentioned earlier:
In the case of HireDate, SAS uses the format that is defined in the first data set that is named in the SET statement (DATE9. in SALES).
In the case of Salary, SAS uses the explicit format (COMMA6.) that is defined in the SHIPPING data set. In this case, SAS does not use the default format.
Notice the difference if you perform a similar concatenation but reverse the order of the data sets in the SET statement.
options pagesize=60 linesize=80 pageno=1 nodate; data dept5_1; set shipping new_accounting security customer_support sales; run;
proc print data=dept5_1; title 'Employees in Shipping, Accounting, Security,'; title2 'Customer Support, and Sales Departments'; run;
The following output shows the results:
The DEPT5_1 Data Set: Changing the Order of Concatenation
Employees in Shipping, Accounting, Security, 1 Customer Support, and Sales Departments employee Hire Home Obs ID Name Gender Date Salary Phone 1 688774609 Carlton, Susan F 28JAN95 29,200 2 922448328 Hoffmann, Gerald M 12OCT97 27,600 3 544909752 DePuis, David M 23AUG94 32,900 4 745609821 Hahn, Kenneth M 23AUG94 33,300 5 634774295 Landau, Jennifer F 30APR96 32,900 6 634875680 Gardinski, Barbara F 29MAY98 49,800 7 824576630 Robertson, Hannah F 14MAR95 52,700 8 744826703 Gresham, Jean F 28APR92 54,000 9 824447605 Kruize, Ronald M 23MAY94 49,200 10 988674342 Linzer, Fritz M 23JUL92 50,400 11 744289612 Saparilas, Theresa F 09MAY98 33,400 12 824904032 Brosnihan, Dylan M 04JAN92 38,200 13 242779184 Chao, Daeyong M 28SEP95 37,500 14 544382887 Slifkin, Leah F 24JUL94 45,000 15 933476520 Perry, Marguerite F 19APR92 39,900 16 324987451 Sayre, Jay 15NOV94 44,800 933-2998 17 596771321 Tolson, Andrew 18MAR98 41,200 929-4800 18 477562122 Jensen, Helga 01FEB91 47,400 286-2816 19 894724859 Kulenic, Marie 24JUN93 41,400 493-1472 20 988427431 Zweerink, Anna 07JUL95 43,700 929-3885 21 429685482 Martin, Virginia 09AUG90 34,800 493-0824 22 244967839 Singleton, MaryAnn 24APR95 27,900 929-2623 23 996740216 Leighton, Maurice 16DEC93 32,600 933-6908 24 675443925 Freuler, Carl 15FEB98 29,900 493-3993 25 845729308 Cage, Merce 19OCT92 39,800 286-0519Compared with the output in The DEPT1_5 Data Set: Concatenation of Five Data Sets, this example shows that not only does the order of the observations change, but in the case of HireDate, the DATE7. format specified in SHIPPING now prevails because that data set now appears first in the SET statement. The COMMA6. format prevails for the variable Salary because SHIPPING is the only data set that explicitly specifies a format for the variable.
If you use the SET statement to concatenate data sets in which the same variable has different lengths, then the outcome of the concatenation depends on whether the variable is character or numeric. The SET statement determines the length of variables as follows:
For a character or numeric variable, an explicitly defined length overrides a default, regardless of the position of the data sets in the SET statement.
If two or more data sets explicitly define different lengths for the same numeric variable, then the variable in the new data set has the same length as the variable in the data set that appears first in the SET statement.
If the length of a character variable differs among data sets, whether or not the differences are explicit, then the variable in the new data set has the same length as the variable in the data set that appears first in the SET statement.
The following program creates the RESEARCH data set for the sixth department, Research. Notice that the INPUT statement for this data set creates the variable Name with a length of 27; in all other data sets, Name has a length of 19.
options pagesize=60 linesize=80 pageno=1 nodate; data research; input EmployeeID $ 1-9 Name $ 11-37 Gender $ 38 @40 HireDate date9. Salary; format HireDate date9.; datalines; 922854076 Schoenberg, Marguerite F 19nov1994 39800 770434994 Addison-Hardy, Jonathon M 23feb1992 41400 242784883 McNaughton, Elizabeth F 24jul1993 45000 377882806 Tharrington, Catherine F 28sep1994 38600 292450691 Frangipani, Christopher M 12aug1990 43900 ;
proc print data=research; title 'Research Department Employees'; run;
The following output shows the results:
Research Department Employees 1 Employee Obs ID Name Gender HireDate Salary 1 922854076 Schoenberg, Marguerite F 19NOV1994 39800 2 770434994 Addison-Hardy, Jonathon M 23FEB1992 41400 3 242784883 McNaughton, Elizabeth F 24JUL1993 45000 4 377882806 Tharrington, Catherine F 28SEP1994 38600 5 292450691 Frangipani, Christopher M 12AUG1990 43900
If you concatenate all six data sets, naming RESEARCH in any position except the first in the SET statement, then SAS defines Name with a length of 19.
If you want your program to use the Name variable that has a length of 27, then you have two options. You can
In the first case, list the data set (RESEARCH) that uses the longer length first:
data dept6_1; set research shipping new_accounting security customer_support sales; run;
In the second case, include a LENGTH statement in the DATA step that creates the new data set. If you change the length of a numeric variable, then the LENGTH statement can appear anywhere in the DATA step. However, if you change the length of a character variable, then the LENGTH statement must precede the SET statement.
The following program creates the data set DEPT1_6A. The LENGTH statement gives the character variable Name a length of 27, even though the first data set in the SET statement (SALES) assigns it a length of 19.
options pagesize=60 linesize=80 pageno=1 nodate; data dept1_6a; length Name $ 27; set sales customer_support security new_accounting shipping research; run;
proc print data=dept1_6a; title 'Employees in All Departments'; run;
The following output shows that all values of Name are complete. Note that the order of the variables in the new data set changes because Name is the first variable encountered in the DATA step.
The DEPT1_6A Data Set: Effects of Using a LENGTH Statement
Employees in All Departments 1 Employee Home Obs Name ID HireDate Salary Phone Gender 1 Martin, Virginia 429685482 09AUG1990 34,800 493-0824 2 Singleton, MaryAnn 244967839 24APR1995 27,900 929-2623 3 Leighton, Maurice 996740216 16DEC1993 32,600 933-6908 4 Freuler, Carl 675443925 15FEB1998 29,900 493-3993 5 Cage, Merce 845729308 19OCT1992 39,800 286-0519 6 Sayre, Jay 324987451 15NOV1994 44,800 933-2998 7 Tolson, Andrew 596771321 18MAR1998 41,200 929-4800 8 Jensen, Helga 477562122 01FEB1991 47,400 286-2816 9 Kulenic, Marie 894724859 24JUN1993 41,400 493-1472 10 Zweerink, Anna 988427431 07JUL1995 43,700 929-3885 11 Saparilas, Theresa 744289612 09MAY1998 33,400 F 12 Brosnihan, Dylan 824904032 04JAN1992 38,200 M 13 Chao, Daeyong 242779184 28SEP1995 37,500 M 14 Slifkin, Leah 544382887 24JUL1994 45,000 F 15 Perry, Marguerite 933476520 19APR1992 39,900 F 16 Gardinski, Barbara 634875680 29MAY1998 49,800 F 17 Robertson, Hannah 824576630 14MAR1995 52,700 F 18 Gresham, Jean 744826703 28APR1992 54,000 F 19 Kruize, Ronald 824447605 23MAY1994 49,200 M 20 Linzer, Fritz 988674342 23JUL1992 50,400 M 21 Carlton, Susan 688774609 28JAN1995 29,200 F 22 Hoffmann, Gerald 922448328 12OCT1997 27,600 M 23 DePuis, David 544909752 23AUG1994 32,900 M 24 Hahn, Kenneth 745609821 23AUG1994 33,300 M 25 Landau, Jennifer 634774295 30APR1996 32,900 F 26 Schoenberg, Marguerite 922854076 19NOV1994 39,800 F 27 Addison-Hardy, Jonathon 770434994 23FEB1992 41,400 M 28 McNaughton, Elizabeth 242784883 24JUL1993 45,000 F 29 Tharrington, Catherine 377882806 28SEP1994 38,600 F 30 Frangipani, Christopher 292450691 12AUG1990 43,900 M
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