Simulate the Federal Reserve Rate

Next, use the functionality in Microsoft Excel to predict the Federal Reserve rate over the next six days. You want these calculated values to appear in a table and in a line plot.
To simulate the Federal Reserve rate for the next six days:
  1. Create a new worksheet called Basic Forecasting.
  2. In the new worksheet, specify Date and Rate as column headings.
  3. From the Original Data worksheet, copy the data from 2010-04-27 through 2010-05-20, and paste it into the Basic Forecasting worksheet.
  4. In the Date column, add rows for 2010-05-21 through 2010-05-26.
  5. In the Rate column, specify the following formula for the new dates:
    In this example, the formula for the B20 cell is B19+(RANDBETWEEN(-100,100)/100)/2.
    Although the calculated values could vary, your results should appear similar to this display:
    Table in the Basic Forecasting Worksheet
Last updated: April 27, 2017