Overview of ADX

Creating the Design

Select File arrow Create New Design arrow Two-level from the ADX desktop.

menu item to create a two-level design

Alternatively, you can click the Two-level design icon ovictwolev image on the toolbar.

ADX brings up the main design window, which is titled Two-level Design.

main design window

The main design window is conveniently arranged to facilitate designing and analyzing an experiment. The task buttons are listed to the right of the design display area. The area on the left is blank until you select a design. (Some of the task buttons are unavailable until preliminary steps are completed.)

To create the design for the strains, follow these steps:

  1. Click Select Design to open the Two-Level Design Specifications window.
  2. Type 5, the number of strains, for Number of factors:
  3. Select the 1/2 Fraction design, a 16-run Resolution 5 design.

    design selection window

  4. Close the window (select File arrow Close or click ovclosewin image) to use the design.

The Message dialog box gives you a chance to change your mind.

dialog to create design

Click Yes to use the selected design. ADX returns to the main design window and displays a table of the runs in the design.

completed design

Default factor names are given at the tops of the columns, and the levels of each factor are the rows. For the purposes of this experiment, X1 corresponds to the presence or absence of bacterial strain 1, X2 corresponds to strain 2, and so on.

To enter the response data into the design, follow these steps:

  1. Click Edit Responses. ADX takes you to the Edit Responses window and provides a column, called Y1, for you to enter the pH response values.
  2. Type the following pH values in the default response column Y1 (in order from row 1 to 16): 5.6, 5.4, 5.8, 5.9, 6.1, 5.7, 6, 6.3, 5.3, 6.6, 5.6, 6.9, 5.6, 6.1, 6.7, 6.3.

    edit responses window

  3. Close the window.
  4. Click Yes in the Message dialog box to apply the changes. ADX will return you to the main design window and show the new response values.

    apply changes window

Once a design has response values, you can use the Explore, Fit, and Optimize features for exploring and analyzing the data. However, you cannot select a different design.

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