More on Mixture Designs

Defining Variables

Select File arrow Create New Design arrow Mixture from the ADX desktop. Define the variables for the design by doing the following:

  1. Click Define Variables.
  2. Create the mixture variables just as in any other mixture experiment. In this case, click Add and select 3.
  3. Change the names of the mixture variables to ALPHA, BETA, and PRIMO.

    factor definitions

  4. Click the Process Variables tab. You will see a factor definition interface similar to that in the Define Variables window in Chapter 8, "Optimal Designs."
  5. Click Add and select Add quantitative factorial variable arrow 2. This creates a new process variable named Z1 with two levels.
  6. Create a second two-level quantitative process variable named Z2.
  7. Change the Factor Name of Z1 to MIXTIME. Set the low level to 2 and the high level to 10.
  8. Change the name of Z2 to COMPLOAD, the low level to 1, and the high level to 2.

    process variable definitions

  9. Click the Response tab and change the name of the response to CRUSHSTR.
  10. Add a second response variable, and change the name to DISSRATE.
  11. Click OK and then Yes to save the factor definitions.

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