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The LIBNAME Statement for Relational Databases


Specifies whether insert statements are sent to Teradata one at a time or in a group.
Default value: NO
Valid in: SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement
DBMS support: Teradata

Syntax Description
See Also



Syntax Description


attempts to send as many inserts to Teradata that can fit in a 64K buffer. If multistatement inserts are not possible, processing reverts to single-row inserts.


send inserts to Teradata one row at a time.


When you request multistatement inserts, SAS first determines how many insert statements that it can send to Teradata. Several factors determine the actual number of statements that SAS can send, such as how many SQL insert statements can fit in a 64K buffer, how many data rows can fit in the 64K data buffer, and how many inserts the Teradata server chooses to accept. When you need to insert large volumes of data, you can significantly improve performance by using MULTISTMT= instead of inserting only single-row.

When you also specify the DBCOMMIT= option, SAS uses the smaller of the DBCOMMIT= value and the number of insert statements that can fit in a buffer as the number of insert statements to send together at one time.

You cannot currently use MULTISTMT= with the ERRLIMIT= option.

See Also

To apply this option to an individual data set or a view descriptor, see the MULTISTMT= Data Set Option.

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