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LIBNAME Statement: PC Files on Linux, UNIX, and 64-Bit Microsoft Windows


Determines the length of a very long data source character data type that is read into SAS or written from SAS when you are using a SAS/ACCESS engine.
Valid in: DATA and PROC steps
Default value: LIBNAME option setting

Syntax Description
See Also


DBMAX_TEXT= integer

Syntax Description


is a number between 1 and 32,767.


This option applies to reading, appending, and updating rows in an existing table. It does not apply when you are creating a table.

DBMAX_TEXT= is typically used with a very long character data type.

Although you can specify a value less than 256, it is not recommended for reading data from a Microsoft Access database.

See Also

To assign this option to a group of tables, use the DBMAX_TEXT= option specified in LIBNAME Options.

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