
What's New Table of Contents  

What's New in SAS Enterprise Miner 4.3


Two parallel versions of Enterprise Miner, either 4.3 or 5.1, are available in SAS 9.1. Enterprise Miner 4.3 is a continuation of the SAS client/SAS server system. Enterprise Miner 5.1 uses the production SAS 9.1 server and is a Web-deployable client application, which was developed using Java technology.

Enterprise Miner 4.3 includes the following new features and enhancements since Enterprise Miner 4.2:

A comparison of Enterprise Miner 4.3 and 5.1 is summarized at the end of this document.


Link Analysis Node

The Link Analysis node is now production and includes the following new features and enhancements:

Tree Node

In Enterprise Miner 4.2 and earlier releases, interactive training is performed in the local SAS session. Beginning with Enterprise Miner 4.3, interactive training is supported through the Enterprise Miner Tree Desktop Application.

Enterprise Miner Tree Desktop Application

The Enterprise Miner Tree Desktop Application in SAS mode is production in Enterprise Miner 4.3. New features and enhancements include the following:

Interactive Grouping Node

The groupings of a variable in your input data might have been defined by other methods outside of the Interactive Grouping node. If you set the model role to Group and the status to Use, the Interactive Grouping node places each level of the variable in a group, and calculates the weight of evidence and other statistics without applying the node settings.

Model Repository

The Enterprise Miner Model Repository has been enhanced to include the following:

Advantages of Using Enterprise Miner 5.1

The following list summarizes the advantages of using Enterprise Miner 5.1 instead of Enterprise Miner 4.3:

Comparison of Enterprise Miner 4.3 and 5.1

The following table is a listing of the primary differences between Enterprise Miner 4.3 and Enterprise Miner 5.1.

Configuration Enterprise Miner 4.3 Enterprise Miner 5.1
Server SAS 9.1 MVA SAS 9.1 MVA

N/A Java

It manages multiple users and model training can be disconnected.

Client SAS 9.1 Windows Java 1.4.1
Metadata Server Optional, but needed for model registration. Required
Project Storage Client and Server Server
SAS Environment Enterprise Miner 4.3 Enterprise Miner 5.1
Program Editor, Log, Output windows Yes Yes
Viewer for SAS/GRAPH output Yes Yes
SAS DMS-based solutions Yes No
Enterprise Miner Interfaces Enterprise Miner 4.3 Enterprise Miner 5.1
SAS System GUI Yes No
Java client GUI No Yes
Batch project execution No Yes
Web application results viewer Yes Yes
Java API No Yes (experimental)
SAS Code node interface Yes Yes. It provides better support for macro variables, macros, code generation, and results definition.
SAS Code node based custom nodes No Yes. XML definitions for node properties.
DMTOOL custom nodes Yes No
Enterprise Miner Procedures Usage Unsupported Unsupported
Metadata Enterprise Miner 4.3 Enterprise Miner 5.1
Table and Column analytical metadata Yes Yes
Batch interface for creating table and column metadata No Yes
Batch interface for creating target decision profiles No Yes
Sample-based metadata calculation statistics Yes No
Complete data-based metadata calculation statistics No Yes
Configurable data advisory rules No Yes. You can set thresholds for missing percentages.
Extensible column attributes No Yes. You can add additional column attributes to be included in reports.
Report column attribute No Yes. You can include variables that have the report attribute in most reports such as score rankings and score distributions.
Hidden variables No Yes. You can hide rejected variables from the variable usage user interfaces but retain them in the data for score applications.
Data Model for entire project No Yes. It facilitates batch and GUI execution of common projects.
GUI Functionality Enterprise Miner 4.3 Enterprise Miner 5.1
XML diagram exchange No Yes
Diagram copy/paste between projects No Yes
Open multiple diagrams No Yes
Open multiple results windows No Yes
Open multiple child windows in node results No Yes
Common property sheet No Yes
Individual property dialogs Yes No
Group processing Yes (stratified, bagging, and boosting) No
Job Execution Enterprise Miner 4.3 Enterprise Miner 5.1
Stop running diagram No Yes
Run multiple diagrams No Yes
Disconnect while diagram running No Yes. Middleware configuration is required.
Continue work while diagrams running No Yes
Share projects with multiple users Yes Yes
Batch mode execution No Yes
Scheduling No No
Multi-threaded procedures Yes Yes
Multi-tasking projects No Yes
Reporting Enterprise Miner 4.3 Enterprise Miner 5.1
HTML Reports Yes No
SAS Publish Packages (SPK) No Yes
Web application for viewing stored models Yes Yes
Interactive Analysis Enterprise Miner 4.3 Enterprise Miner 5.1
Tree growing and pruning Yes Yes
Neural network model Yes No
Association rule: WHERE clause Yes No
Transformation bin allocation Yes No
Filter outliers selection Yes No
Link analysis Yes No
Interactive grouping Yes No
Decision threshold charts Yes No
Decision Processing Enterprise Miner 4.3 Enterprise Miner 5.1
Class target profile matrix Yes Yes
Class target loss matrix Yes Yes
Cost values and cost variables Yes Yes
Class target variable number of decisions Yes No
Interval target decisions Yes No
Model Assessment Enterprise Miner 4.3 Enterprise Miner 5.1
Class probability score rankings: gain, lift, etc. Yes Yes
Class probability score distributions No Yes
Classification tables in node output listings Sometimes Always
Decision tables in node output listings No Yes
Type I and Type II error table in node output listings No Yes
Interval target score rankings No Yes
Interval target score distributions No Yes
Interval target prediction vs. actual target Yes. It is sample based and available in Model Manager. Yes. It is user-generated plots of exported data.
Score rankings printed in output listings No Yes
Score distributions printed in output listings No Yes
Post-model decision matrix what-if investigations Yes No
Decision threshold charts Yes No
Komogorov-Smirnov (KS), Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) index, GINI statistics No Yes
Validation data assessment Yes Yes
Train and Test data assessment Optional. You must enable it through Model Manager, Yes
ROC chart Yes Yes
Scoring Enterprise Miner 4.3 Enterprise Miner 5.1
SAS score code Yes Yes
C and Java score code Yes Yes
Separation of residual and non-residual score code No Yes
PMML generation No Yes
Nodes Enterprise Miner 4.3 Enterprise Miner 5.1
Input Data Yes Yes
Sampling Yes Yes
Partitioning Yes Yes
Time Series Yes Yes
Variable Selection Yes Yes
SOM Yes No
Link Analysis Yes No
Insight Yes No. Graphs can be generated from the Results window of any node.
Distribution Explorer Yes No. Graphs can be generated from the Results window of any node.
Multiplot Yes Yes
StatExplore No Yes. This node computes univariate and bivariate distribution statistics for interval and class variables. Target and segment variables are used as by variables and/or correlation terms.
Merge No Yes. This node merges training, test, and validation data sets by row number or by ID variable. It is useful for combining predictions from multiple models or for matching ID in multiple tables.
Association Yes Yes, but the Results window does not support filtering rules and scatter plot for items. This node supports network display of rules. It generates a transposed data set that has one row per customer and variables for rules. The transposed data set can be used to cluster or predict customer behavior by rules.
Path Analysis No Yes. This node uses the new PATH procedure that includes a referrer variable for Web log analysis.
Transform Yes Yes, but this node does not support user-specified equations. It supports the creation of dummy and interactive terms.
Interactive Grouping Yes. This node supports user-driven grouping of variable levels and bins based on GINI, Information Gain, and Weight of Evidence (WOE)scores. No
Drop No Yes. This node drops variables from temporary tables for processing efficiency.
Filter Yes Yes, but this node does not support graphical selection of filter ranges.
Impute Yes, this node is the Replacement node. Yes
Principle Components Yes. It is in the Princomp/Dmneural node. Yes. This node does not support the selection of number of components in the Results window.
Regression (linear and logistic) Yes Yes
Dmine Regression No. Dmine regression is available as an optional output from the Variable Selection node. Yes. This node uses the DMINE procedure to produce models that directly include the Analysis of Variance (AOV), group, and interaction effects for interval and binary targets.
Decision Tree Yes. Use the Tree Desktop Application for interactive training. Yes. Use the Tree Desktop Application for interactive training.
Neural Network Yes Yes. This node does not support interactive training or advanced user network configuration.
Rule Induction No Yes. This node uses an algorithm for building models by recursively identifying target events. It is useful for modeling rare events. This functionality was formerly included in DMTOOL.
Autoneural No Yes. This node uses an algorithm for automated MLP network building. It selects the type and number of activation functions from four different architectures. This functionality was formerly included in DMTOOL.
Dmneural Yes. This node is part of the Princomp/Dmneural node. Yes.
Two Stage Model Yes Yes. You can specify the options for the first and second stage models, and the neural network models that have two targets.
Memory-Based Reasoning Yes. This node is not recommended for score deployment, because it requires training table availability. No
Ensemble Yes Yes. The node supports simple averaging and voting methods. It does not support bagging and boosting models.
Model Comparison Yes. It is the Assessment node. Yes. This node computes ROC and KS and automatically selects a model based on your selection.
Group Processing Yes No
Subdiagram Yes No
Control Point Yes Yes
SAS Code Yes Yes. This node provides extended support through better organized macros and macro variables. It supports building model and model assessment functions, and the creation of report tables and plots.
Score Yes Yes. If score data is defined, the node always scores data to create output view and table.
Score Converter Yes No. C and Java code are included in the SPK results package. PMML code for decision trees is available on a request basis.
User Defined Model Yes No
Reporter Yes No. Reports in the SPK format can be generated from any node.
Data Set Attributes Yes Yes. The Metadata node in Enterprise Miner 5.1 replaces the Data Set Attributes node in Enterprise Miner 4.3.
Data Mining Database Yes N/A