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SAS® Server Metadata Example

This page provides an example of the metadata for a SAS server.

To view the demo server's metadata, open the IT Administrator interface, select the SAS Configuration button, and select the Server entry, as shown below.

IT Admin window; server details

To add an additional server, select File, New, Server from the menu bar and make entries in the following dialog box:

IT Admin; New Server window
The server's domain. In order for a spawner to work with the server, the spawner must be defined for the same domain (in addition to having matching logical names).
IOM Bridge or COM/DCOM protocols, as well applicable service or port IDs.
Logical name:
All logical names under which this server can operate.
All machines on which the server can run.
Client and server algorithms, what content to encrypt.
SAS logins:
The SAS logins available to start a SAS session.
The command to start the SAS session on the server.
Maximum workspaces per pool:
The maximum number of workspaces that will be available for any workspace pool that is established with the server.

For more information on each input field, select the Help button on the dialog box.

Required Fields

Server name, machine name, connections(domain and protocol), and logical name are required fields. Completion of the description field is optional but strongly recommended.

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