Uses of Interface

Packages that use DataTable Provides a java object interface to the metadata server using the SAS/Open Metadata Architecture. 

Uses of DataTable in

Methods in that return DataTable
 DataTable ColumnHierarchy.getAssociatedDataTable()
          Gets the DataTable for AssociatedDataTable
 DataTable Role.getRoleObject()
          Gets the DataTable for RoleObject
 DataTable UniqueKey.getTable()
          Gets the DataTable for Table
 DataTable ForeignKey.getTable()
          Gets the DataTable for Table
 DataTable Column.getTable()
          Gets the DataTable for Table

Methods in with parameters of type DataTable
 void ColumnHierarchy.setAssociatedDataTable(DataTable inObject)
          Sets the AssociatedDataTables list 0th element to be inObject.
 void Role.setRoleObject(DataTable inObject)
          Sets the RoleObjects list 0th element to be inObject.
 void UniqueKey.setTable(DataTable inObject)
          Sets the Tables list 0th element to be inObject.
 void ForeignKey.setTable(DataTable inObject)
          Sets the Tables list 0th element to be inObject.
 void Column.setTable(DataTable inObject)
          Sets the Tables list 0th element to be inObject.

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